never executed always true always false
    1 {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
    2 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
    4 module OpenCV.Calib3d
    5     ( FundamentalMatMethod(..)
    6     , FindHomographyMethod(..)
    7     , FindHomographyParams(..)
    8     , WhichImage(..)
    9     -- , calibrateCamera
   10     , findFundamentalMat
   11     , findHomography
   12     , computeCorrespondEpilines
   14     , SolvePnPMethod(..)
   15     , solvePnP
   16     ) where
   18 import "base" Data.Int
   19 import "base" Data.Word
   20 import "base" Foreign.C.Types
   21 import "base" Foreign.Marshal.Utils ( fromBool )
   22 import qualified "inline-c" Language.C.Inline as C
   23 import qualified "inline-c-cpp" Language.C.Inline.Cpp as C
   24 import "data-default" Data.Default
   25 import "this" OpenCV.Internal.C.Inline ( openCvCtx )
   26 import "this" OpenCV.Internal.C.Types
   27 import "this" OpenCV.Internal.Calib3d.Constants
   28 import "this" OpenCV.Core.Types
   29 import "this" OpenCV.Internal.Core.Types
   30 import "this" OpenCV.Internal.Core.Types.Mat
   31 import "this" OpenCV.Internal.Exception
   32 import "this" OpenCV.TypeLevel
   33 import "transformers" Control.Monad.Trans.Except
   34 import qualified "vector" Data.Vector as V
   36 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   38 C.context openCvCtx
   40 C.include "opencv2/core.hpp"
   41 C.include "opencv2/calib3d.hpp"
   42 C.using "namespace cv"
   44 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   45 -- Types
   47 data FundamentalMatMethod
   48    = FM_7Point
   49    | FM_8Point
   50    | FM_Ransac !(Maybe Double) !(Maybe Double)
   51    | FM_Lmeds  !(Maybe Double)
   52      deriving (Show, Eq)
   54 marshalFundamentalMatMethod :: FundamentalMatMethod -> (Int32, CDouble, CDouble)
   55 marshalFundamentalMatMethod = \case
   56     FM_7Point       -> (c'CV_FM_7POINT, 0, 0)
   57     FM_8Point       -> (c'CV_FM_8POINT, 0, 0)
   58     FM_Ransac p1 p2 -> (c'CV_FM_RANSAC, maybe 3 realToFrac p1, maybe 0.99 realToFrac p2)
   59     FM_Lmeds     p2 -> (c'CV_FM_LMEDS, 0, maybe 0.99 realToFrac p2)
   61 data WhichImage = Image1 | Image2 deriving (Show, Eq)
   63 marshalWhichImage :: WhichImage -> Int32
   64 marshalWhichImage = \case
   65     Image1 -> 1
   66     Image2 -> 2
   68 data FindHomographyMethod
   69    = FindHomographyMethod_0
   70      -- ^ A regular method using all the points.
   71    | FindHomographyMethod_RANSAC
   72      -- ^ RANSAC-based robust method.
   73    | FindHomographyMethod_LMEDS
   74      -- ^ Least-Median robust method.
   75    | FindHomographyMethod_RHO
   76      -- ^ PROSAC-based robust method.
   77      deriving (Show)
   79 marshalFindHomographyMethod :: FindHomographyMethod -> Int32
   80 marshalFindHomographyMethod = \case
   81     FindHomographyMethod_0      -> 0
   82     FindHomographyMethod_RANSAC -> c'RANSAC
   83     FindHomographyMethod_LMEDS  -> c'LMEDS
   84     FindHomographyMethod_RHO    -> c'RHO
   86 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   88 -- {- |
   89 -- < OpenCV Sphinx doc>
   90 -- -}
   91 -- calibrateCamera
   92 --     :: ( ToSize2i imageSize
   93 --        , camMat ~ Mat (ShapeT [3, 3]) ('S 1) ('S Double)
   94 --        )
   95 --      . V.Vector () -- combine objectPoints and imagePoints
   96 --     -> imageSize
   97 --     -> camMat
   98 --     -> flags
   99 --     -> criteria
  100 --     -> (camMat, distCoeffs, rvecs, tvecs)
  101 -- calibrateCamera = _todo
  103 {- | Calculates a fundamental matrix from the corresponding points in two images
  105 The minimum number of points required depends on the 'FundamentalMatMethod'.
  107  * 'FM_7Point': @N == 7@
  108  * 'FM_8Point': @N >= 8@
  109  * 'FM_Ransac': @N >= 15@
  110  * 'FM_Lmeds': @N >= 8@
  112 With 7 points the 'FM_7Point' method is used, despite the given method.
  114 With more than 7 points the 'FM_7Point' method will be replaced by the
  115 'FM_8Point' method.
  117 Between 7 and 15 points the 'FM_Ransac' method will be replaced by the
  118 'FM_Lmeds' method.
  120 With the 'FM_7Point' method and with 7 points the result can contain up to 3
  121 matrices, resulting in either 3, 6 or 9 rows. This is why the number of
  122 resulting rows in tagged as 'D'ynamic. For all other methods the result always
  123 contains 3 rows.
  125 < OpenCV Sphinx doc>
  126 -}
  127 findFundamentalMat
  128     :: (IsPoint2 point2 CDouble)
  129     => V.Vector (point2 CDouble) -- ^ Points from the first image.
  130     -> V.Vector (point2 CDouble) -- ^ Points from the second image.
  131     -> FundamentalMatMethod
  132     -> CvExcept ( Maybe ( Mat ('S '[ 'D, 'S 3 ]) ('S 1) ('S Double)
  133                         , Mat ('S '[ 'D, 'D   ]) ('S 1) ('S Word8 )
  134                         )
  135                 )
  136 findFundamentalMat pts1 pts2 method = do
  137     (fm, pointMask) <- c'findFundamentalMat
  138     -- If the c++ function can't find a fundamental matrix it will
  139     -- return an empty matrix. We check for this case by trying to
  140     -- coerce the result to the desired type.
  141     catchE (Just . (, unsafeCoerceMat pointMask) <$> coerceMat fm)
  142            (\case CoerceMatError _msgs -> pure Nothing
  143                   otherError -> throwE otherError
  144            )
  145   where
  146     c'findFundamentalMat = unsafeWrapException $ do
  147       fm        <- newEmptyMat
  148       pointMask <- newEmptyMat
  149       handleCvException (pure (fm, pointMask)) $
  150         withPtr fm $ \fmPtr ->
  151         withPtr pointMask $ \pointMaskPtr ->
  152         withArrayPtr ( toPoint pts1) $ \pts1Ptr ->
  153         withArrayPtr ( toPoint pts2) $ \pts2Ptr ->
  154           [cvExcept|
  155             cv::_InputArray pts1 = cv::_InputArray($(Point2d * pts1Ptr), $(int32_t c'numPts1));
  156             cv::_InputArray pts2 = cv::_InputArray($(Point2d * pts2Ptr), $(int32_t c'numPts2));
  157             *$(Mat * fmPtr) =
  158               cv::findFundamentalMat
  159               ( pts1
  160               , pts2
  161               , $(int32_t c'method)
  162               , $(double c'p1)
  163               , $(double c'p2)
  164               , *$(Mat * pointMaskPtr)
  165               );
  166           |]
  168     c'numPts1 = fromIntegral $ V.length pts1
  169     c'numPts2 = fromIntegral $ V.length pts2
  170     (c'method, c'p1, c'p2) = marshalFundamentalMatMethod method
  172 data FindHomographyParams
  173    = FindHomographyParams
  174      { fhpMethod                :: !FindHomographyMethod
  175      , fhpRansacReprojThreshold :: !Double
  176      , fhpMaxIters              :: !Int
  177      , fhpConfidence            :: !Double
  178      } deriving (Show)
  180 instance Default FindHomographyParams where
  181     def = FindHomographyParams
  182           { fhpMethod                = FindHomographyMethod_0
  183           , fhpRansacReprojThreshold = 3
  184           , fhpMaxIters              = 2000
  185           , fhpConfidence            = 0.995
  186           }
  188 findHomography
  189     :: (IsPoint2 point2 CDouble)
  190     => V.Vector (point2 CDouble) -- ^ Points from the first image.
  191     -> V.Vector (point2 CDouble) -- ^ Points from the second image.
  192     -> FindHomographyParams
  193     -> CvExcept ( Maybe ( Mat ('S '[ 'S 3, 'S 3 ]) ('S 1) ('S Double)
  194                         , Mat ('S '[ 'D, 'D   ]) ('S 1) ('S Word8 )
  195                         )
  196                 )
  197 findHomography srcPoints dstPoints fhp = do
  198     (fm, pointMask) <- c'findHomography
  199     -- If the c++ function can't find a fundamental matrix it will
  200     -- return an empty matrix. We check for this case by trying to
  201     -- coerce the result to the desired type.
  202     catchE (Just . (, unsafeCoerceMat pointMask) <$> coerceMat fm)
  203            (\case CoerceMatError _msgs -> pure Nothing
  204                   otherError           -> throwE otherError
  205            )
  206   where
  207     c'findHomography = unsafeWrapException $ do
  208       fm        <- newEmptyMat
  209       pointMask <- newEmptyMat
  210       handleCvException (pure (fm, pointMask)) $
  211         withPtr fm $ \fmPtr ->
  212         withPtr pointMask $ \pointMaskPtr ->
  213         withArrayPtr ( toPoint srcPoints) $ \srcPtr ->
  214         withArrayPtr ( toPoint dstPoints) $ \dstPtr ->
  215           [cvExcept|
  216             cv::_InputArray srcPts = cv::_InputArray($(Point2d * srcPtr), $(int32_t c'numSrcPts));
  217             cv::_InputArray dstPts = cv::_InputArray($(Point2d * dstPtr), $(int32_t c'numDstPts));
  218             *$(Mat * fmPtr) =
  219               cv::findHomography
  220                   ( srcPts
  221                   , dstPts
  222                   , $(int32_t c'method)
  223                   , $(double c'ransacReprojThreshold)
  224                   , *$(Mat * pointMaskPtr)
  225                   , $(int32_t c'maxIters)
  226                   , $(double c'confidence)
  227                   );
  228           |]
  229     c'numSrcPts = fromIntegral $ V.length srcPoints
  230     c'numDstPts = fromIntegral $ V.length dstPoints
  231     c'method = marshalFindHomographyMethod $ fhpMethod fhp
  232     c'ransacReprojThreshold = realToFrac $ fhpRansacReprojThreshold fhp
  233     c'maxIters = fromIntegral $ fhpMaxIters fhp
  234     c'confidence = realToFrac $ fhpConfidence fhp
  236 {- | For points in an image of a stereo pair, computes the corresponding epilines in the other image
  238 < OpenCV Sphinx doc>
  239 -}
  240 computeCorrespondEpilines
  241     :: (IsPoint2 point2 CDouble)
  242     => V.Vector (point2 CDouble) -- ^ Points.
  243     -> WhichImage -- ^ Image which contains the points.
  244     -> Mat (ShapeT [3, 3]) ('S 1) ('S Double) -- ^ Fundamental matrix.
  245     -> CvExcept (Mat ('S ['D, 'S 1]) ('S 3) ('S Double))
  246 computeCorrespondEpilines points whichImage fm = unsafeWrapException $ do
  247     epilines <- newEmptyMat
  248     handleCvException (pure $ unsafeCoerceMat epilines) $
  249       withArrayPtr ( toPoint points) $ \pointsPtr ->
  250       withPtr fm       $ \fmPtr       ->
  251       withPtr epilines $ \epilinesPtr -> do
  252         -- Destroy type information about the pointsPtr. We wan't to generate
  253         -- C++ code that works for any type of point. Specifically Point2f and
  254         -- Point2d.
  255         [cvExcept|
  256           cv::_InputArray points =
  257             cv::_InputArray( $(Point2d * pointsPtr)
  258                            , $(int32_t c'numPoints)
  259                            );
  260           cv::computeCorrespondEpilines
  261           ( points
  262           , $(int32_t c'whichImage)
  263           , *$(Mat * fmPtr)
  264           , *$(Mat * epilinesPtr)
  265           );
  266         |]
  267   where
  268     c'numPoints = fromIntegral $ V.length points
  269     c'whichImage = marshalWhichImage whichImage
  271 data SolvePnPMethod
  272    = SolvePnP_Iterative !Bool
  273    | SolvePnP_P3P
  274    | SolvePnP_AP3P
  275    | SolvePnP_EPNP
  276    | SolvePnP_DLS
  277    | SolvePnP_UPNP
  279 marshalSolvePnPMethod :: SolvePnPMethod -> (Int32, Int32)
  280 marshalSolvePnPMethod = \case
  281     SolvePnP_Iterative useExtrinsicGuess
  282                   -> (c'SOLVEPNP_ITERATIVE, fromBool useExtrinsicGuess)
  283     SolvePnP_P3P  -> (c'SOLVEPNP_P3P , fromBool False)
  284     SolvePnP_AP3P -> (c'SOLVEPNP_AP3P, fromBool False)
  285     SolvePnP_EPNP -> (c'SOLVEPNP_EPNP, fromBool False)
  286     SolvePnP_DLS  -> (c'SOLVEPNP_DLS , fromBool False)
  287     SolvePnP_UPNP -> (c'SOLVEPNP_UPNP, fromBool False)
  289 {- | Finds an object pose from 3D-2D point correspondences.
  291 Parameters:
  293   [@objectImageMatches@]: Correspondences between object coordinate space (3D)
  294     and image points (2D).
  296   [@cameraMatrix@]: Input camera matrix
  297     \[
  298     A =
  299     \begin{bmatrix}
  300     f_x & 0   & c_x \\
  301     0   & f_y & c_y \\
  302     0   & 0   & 1
  303     \end{bmatrix}
  304     \]
  306   [@distCoeffs@]: Input distortion coefficients
  307     \( \left ( k_1, k_2, p_1, p_2[, k_3[, k_4, k_5, k_6 [, s_1, s_2, s_3, s_4[, \tau_x, \tau_y ] ] ] ] \right ) \)
  308     of 4, 5, 8, 12 or 14 elements. If not given, the zero distortion
  309     coefficients are assumed.
  311 In case of success the algorithm outputs 3 values:
  313   [@rvec@]: Output rotation vector that, together with __tvec__, brings points
  314     from the model coordinate system to the camera coordinate system.
  316   [@tvec@]: Output translation vector.
  318   [@cameraMatrix@]: Output camera matrix. In most cases a copy of the input
  319     camera matrix.  With the 'SolvePnP_UPNP' method the \(f_x\) and \(f_y\)
  320     parameters will be estimated.
  322 The function estimates the object pose given a set of object points, their
  323 corresponding image projections, as well as the camera matrix and the distortion
  324 coefficients, see the figure below (more precisely, the X-axis of the camera
  325 frame is pointing to the right, the Y-axis downward and the Z-axis forward).
  327 <<data/solvepnp.jpg solvepnp explanatory figure>>
  329 Points expressed in the world frame \(\bf{X_w}\) are projected into the image
  330 plane \([u,v]\) using the perspective projection model \(\bf{\Pi}\) and the
  331 camera intrinsic parameters matrix \(\bf{A}\):
  333 \[
  334   \begin{align*}
  335   \begin{bmatrix}
  336   u \\
  337   v \\
  338   1
  339   \end{bmatrix} &=
  340   \bf{A} \hspace{0.1em} \Pi \hspace{0.2em} ^{c}\bf{M}_w
  341   \begin{bmatrix}
  342   X_{w} \\
  343   Y_{w} \\
  344   Z_{w} \\
  345   1
  346   \end{bmatrix} \\
  347   \begin{bmatrix}
  348   u \\
  349   v \\
  350   1
  351   \end{bmatrix} &=
  352   \begin{bmatrix}
  353   f_x & 0   & c_x \\
  354   0   & f_y & c_y \\
  355   0   & 0   & 1
  356   \end{bmatrix}
  357   \begin{bmatrix}
  358   1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
  359   0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\
  360   0 & 0 & 1 & 0
  361   \end{bmatrix}
  362   \begin{bmatrix}
  363   r_{11} & r_{12} & r_{13} & t_x \\
  364   r_{21} & r_{22} & r_{23} & t_y \\
  365   r_{31} & r_{32} & r_{33} & t_z \\
  366   0 & 0 & 0 & 1
  367   \end{bmatrix}
  368   \begin{bmatrix}
  369   X_{w} \\
  370   Y_{w} \\
  371   Z_{w} \\
  372   1
  373   \end{bmatrix}
  374   \end{align*}
  375 \]
  377 The estimated pose is thus the rotation (__rvec__) and the translation
  378 (__tvec__) vectors that allow to transform a 3D point expressed in the world
  379 frame into the camera frame:
  381 \[
  382   \begin{align*}
  383   \begin{bmatrix}
  384   X_c \\
  385   Y_c \\
  386   Z_c \\
  387   1
  388   \end{bmatrix} &=
  389   \hspace{0.2em} ^{c}\bf{M}_w
  390   \begin{bmatrix}
  391   X_{w} \\
  392   Y_{w} \\
  393   Z_{w} \\
  394   1
  395   \end{bmatrix} \\
  396   \begin{bmatrix}
  397   X_c \\
  398   Y_c \\
  399   Z_c \\
  400   1
  401   \end{bmatrix} &=
  402   \begin{bmatrix}
  403   r_{11} & r_{12} & r_{13} & t_x \\
  404   r_{21} & r_{22} & r_{23} & t_y \\
  405   r_{31} & r_{32} & r_{33} & t_z \\
  406   0      & 0      & 0      & 1
  407   \end{bmatrix}
  408   \begin{bmatrix}
  409   X_{w} \\
  410   Y_{w} \\
  411   Z_{w} \\
  412   1
  413   \end{bmatrix}
  414   \end{align*}
  415 \]
  417 -}
  418 solvePnP
  419     :: forall point3 point2 distCoeffs
  420      . ( IsPoint3 point3 CDouble
  421        , IsPoint2 point2 CDouble
  422        , ToMat distCoeffs
  423        , MatShape distCoeffs `In` '[ 'S '[ 'S  4, 'S 1 ]
  424                                    , 'S '[ 'S  5, 'S 1 ]
  425                                    , 'S '[ 'S  8, 'S 1 ]
  426                                    , 'S '[ 'S 12, 'S 1 ]
  427                                    , 'S '[ 'S 14, 'S 1 ]
  428                                    ]
  429        )
  430     => V.Vector (point3 CDouble, point2 CDouble) -- ^ 3D-2D point correspondences.
  431     -> Mat (ShapeT '[3, 3]) ('S 1) ('S Double) -- ^ Camera matrix.
  432     -> Maybe distCoeffs -- ^ Distortion coefficients.
  433     -> SolvePnPMethod
  434     -> CvExcept
  435        ( Mat (ShapeT '[3, 1]) ('S 1) ('S Double) -- rotation vector
  436        , Mat (ShapeT '[3, 1]) ('S 1) ('S Double) -- translation vector
  437        , Mat (ShapeT '[3, 3]) ('S 1) ('S Double) -- output camera matrix
  438        )
  439 solvePnP objectImageMatches cameraMatrix mbDistCoeffs method = unsafeWrapException $ do
  440     rvec <- newEmptyMat
  441     tvec <- newEmptyMat
  442     let cameraMatrixOut = cloneMat cameraMatrix
  443     handleCvException (pure ( unsafeCoerceMat rvec
  444                             , unsafeCoerceMat tvec
  445                             , cameraMatrixOut
  446                             )) $
  447       withArrayPtr objectPoints $ \objectPoinstPtr ->
  448       withArrayPtr imagePoints $ \imagePointsPtr ->
  449       withPtr cameraMatrixOut $ \cameraMatrixOutPtr ->
  450       withPtr (toMat <$> mbDistCoeffs) $ \distCoeffsPtr ->
  451       withPtr rvec $ \rvecPtr ->
  452       withPtr tvec $ \tvecPtr ->
  453         [cvExcept|
  454           cv::_InputArray objectPoints =
  455             cv::_InputArray( $(Point3d * objectPoinstPtr)
  456                            , $(int32_t c'numPoints)
  457                            );
  458           cv::_InputArray imagePoints =
  459             cv::_InputArray( $(Point2d * imagePointsPtr)
  460                            , $(int32_t c'numPoints)
  461                            );
  462           cv::Mat * distCoeffsPtr = $(Mat * distCoeffsPtr);
  463           bool retval =
  464             cv::solvePnP
  465             ( objectPoints
  466             , imagePoints
  467             , *$(Mat * cameraMatrixOutPtr)
  468             , distCoeffsPtr
  469               ? cv::_InputArray(*distCoeffsPtr)
  470               : cv::_InputArray(cv::noArray())
  471             , *$(Mat * rvecPtr)
  472             , *$(Mat * tvecPtr)
  473             , $(int32_t useExtrinsicGuess)
  474             , $(int32_t methodFlag)
  475             );
  476         |]
  477   where
  478     (methodFlag, useExtrinsicGuess) = marshalSolvePnPMethod method
  480     c'numPoints :: Int32
  481     c'numPoints = fromIntegral $ V.length objectImageMatches
  483     objectPoints :: V.Vector Point3d
  484     objectPoints = (toPoint . fst) objectImageMatches
  486     imagePoints :: V.Vector Point2d
  487     imagePoints = (toPoint . snd) objectImageMatches