never executed always true always false
    1 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
    2 {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
    3 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
    5 module OpenCV.Features2d
    6     ( -- * ORB
    7       Orb
    8     , OrbScoreType(..)
    9     , WTA_K(..)
   10     , OrbParams(..)
   11     , defaultOrbParams
   12     , mkOrb
   13     , orbDetectAndCompute
   15       -- * BLOB
   16     , SimpleBlobDetector
   17     , SimpleBlobDetectorParams(..)
   18     , BlobFilterByArea(..)
   19     , BlobFilterByCircularity(..)
   20     , BlobFilterByColor(..)
   21     , BlobFilterByConvexity(..)
   22     , BlobFilterByInertia(..)
   23     , defaultSimpleBlobDetectorParams
   24     , mkSimpleBlobDetector
   25     , blobDetect
   27       -- * DescriptorMatcher
   28     , DescriptorMatcher(..)
   29     , drawMatches
   30       -- ** BFMatcher
   31     , BFMatcher
   32     , newBFMatcher
   33       -- ** FlannBasedMatcher
   34     , FlannBasedMatcher
   35     , FlannIndexParams(..)
   36     , FlannSearchParams(..)
   37     , FlannBasedMatcherParams(..)
   38     , newFlannBasedMatcher
   39     ) where
   41 import "base" Control.Exception ( mask_ )
   42 import "base" Data.Int
   43 import "base" Data.Word
   44 import "base" Data.Maybe
   45 import "base" Foreign.ForeignPtr ( ForeignPtr, withForeignPtr, castForeignPtr )
   46 import "base" Foreign.Marshal.Alloc ( alloca )
   47 import "base" Foreign.Marshal.Array ( peekArray )
   48 import "base" Foreign.Marshal.Utils ( fromBool )
   49 import "base" Foreign.Ptr ( Ptr, nullPtr )
   50 import "base" Foreign.Storable ( peek )
   51 import "base" System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )
   52 import "data-default" Data.Default
   53 import "linear" Linear.V4
   54 import qualified "inline-c" Language.C.Inline as C
   55 import qualified "inline-c" Language.C.Inline.Unsafe as CU
   56 import qualified "inline-c-cpp" Language.C.Inline.Cpp as C
   57 import "this" OpenCV.Core.Types
   58 import "this" OpenCV.Internal
   59 import "this" OpenCV.Internal.C.Inline ( openCvCtx )
   60 import "this" OpenCV.Internal.C.Types
   61 import "this" OpenCV.Internal.Core.ArrayOps
   62 import "this" OpenCV.Internal.Core.Types ( withArrayPtr, Scalar )
   63 import "this" OpenCV.Internal.Core.Types.Mat
   64 import "this" OpenCV.Internal.Exception ( cvExcept, unsafeWrapException, handleCvException )
   65 import "this" OpenCV.TypeLevel
   66 import qualified "vector" Data.Vector as V
   68 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   70 C.context openCvCtx
   72 C.include "opencv2/core.hpp"
   73 C.include "opencv2/features2d.hpp"
   74 C.include "orb.hpp"
   75 C.include "simple_blob_detector.hpp"
   77 C.using "namespace cv"
   78 C.using "namespace cv::flann"
   80 #include <bindings.dsl.h>
   81 #include "opencv2/core.hpp"
   82 #include "opencv2/features2d.hpp"
   84 #include "namespace.hpp"
   85 #include "orb.hpp"
   86 #include "simple_blob_detector.hpp"
   88 infinity :: Float
   89 infinity = 1 / 0
   91 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   92 -- ORB - Oriented BRIEF
   93 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   95 -- Internally, an Orb is a pointer to a @cv::Ptr<cv::ORB>@, which in turn points
   96 -- to an actual @cv::ORB@ object.
   97 newtype Orb = Orb {unOrb :: ForeignPtr C'Ptr_ORB}
   99 type instance C Orb = C'Ptr_ORB
  101 instance WithPtr Orb where
  102     withPtr = withForeignPtr . unOrb
  104 instance FromPtr Orb where
  105     fromPtr = objFromPtr Orb $ \ptr ->
  106                 [CU.block| void {
  107                   cv::Ptr<cv::ORB> * orb_ptr_ptr = $(Ptr_ORB * ptr);
  108                   orb_ptr_ptr->release();
  109                   delete orb_ptr_ptr;
  110                 }|]
  112 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  114 data WTA_K
  115    = WTA_K_2
  116    | WTA_K_3
  117    | WTA_K_4
  119 marshalWTA_K :: WTA_K -> Int32
  120 marshalWTA_K = \case
  121     WTA_K_2 -> 2
  122     WTA_K_3 -> 3
  123     WTA_K_4 -> 4
  125 data OrbScoreType
  126    = HarrisScore
  127    | FastScore
  129 #num HARRIS_SCORE
  130 #num FAST_SCORE
  132 marshalOrbScoreType :: OrbScoreType -> Int32
  133 marshalOrbScoreType = \case
  134     HarrisScore -> c'HARRIS_SCORE
  135     FastScore   -> c'FAST_SCORE
  137 data OrbParams
  138    = OrbParams
  139      { orb_nfeatures :: !Int32
  140        -- ^ The maximum number of features to retain.
  141      , orb_scaleFactor :: !Float
  142        -- ^ Pyramid decimation ratio, greater than 1. 'orb_scaleFactor' == 2
  143        -- means the classical pyramid, where each next level has 4x less pixels
  144        -- than the previous, but such a big scale factor will degrade feature
  145        -- matching scores dramatically. On the other hand, too close to 1 scale
  146        -- factor will mean that to cover certain scale range you will need more
  147        -- pyramid levels and so the speed will suffer.
  148      , orb_nlevels :: !Int32
  149        -- ^ The number of pyramid levels. The smallest level will have linear
  150        -- size equal to input_image_linear_size / 'orb_scaleFactor' **
  151        -- 'orb_nlevels'.
  152      , orb_edgeThreshold :: !Int32
  153        -- ^ This is size of the border where the features are not detected. It
  154        -- should roughly match the patchSize parameter.
  155      , orb_firstLevel :: !Int32
  156        -- ^ It should be 0 in the current implementation.
  157      , orb_WTA_K :: !WTA_K
  158        -- ^ The number of points that produce each element of the oriented BRIEF
  159        -- descriptor. The default value 'WTA_K_2' means the BRIEF where we take
  160        -- a random point pair and compare their brightnesses, so we get 0/1
  161        -- response. Other possible values are 'WTA_K_3' and 'WTA_K_4'. For
  162        -- example, 'WTA_K_3' means that we take 3 random points (of course,
  163        -- those point coordinates are random, but they are generated from the
  164        -- pre-defined seed, so each element of BRIEF descriptor is computed
  165        -- deterministically from the pixel rectangle), find point of maximum
  166        -- brightness and output index of the winner (0, 1 or 2). Such output
  167        -- will occupy 2 bits, and therefore it will need a special variant of
  168        -- Hamming distance, denoted as 'Norm_Hamming2' (2 bits per bin). When
  169        -- 'WTA_K_4', we take 4 random points to compute each bin (that will also
  170        -- occupy 2 bits with possible values 0, 1, 2 or 3).
  171      , orb_scoreType :: !OrbScoreType
  172        -- ^ The default 'HarrisScore' means that Harris algorithm is used to
  173        -- rank features (the score is written to KeyPoint::score and is used to
  174        -- retain best nfeatures features); 'FastScore' is alternative value of
  175        -- the parameter that produces slightly less stable keypoints, but it is
  176        -- a little faster to compute.
  177      , orb_patchSize :: !Int32
  178        -- ^ Size of the patch used by the oriented BRIEF descriptor. Of course,
  179        -- on smaller pyramid layers the perceived image area covered by a
  180        -- feature will be larger.
  181      , orb_fastThreshold :: !Int32
  182      }
  184 defaultOrbParams :: OrbParams
  185 defaultOrbParams =
  186     OrbParams
  187      { orb_nfeatures     = 500
  188      , orb_scaleFactor   = 1.2
  189      , orb_nlevels       = 8
  190      , orb_edgeThreshold = 31
  191      , orb_firstLevel    = 0
  192      , orb_WTA_K         = WTA_K_2
  193      , orb_scoreType     = HarrisScore
  194      , orb_patchSize     = 31
  195      , orb_fastThreshold = 20
  196      }
  198 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  200 newOrb :: OrbParams -> IO Orb
  201 newOrb OrbParams{..} = fromPtr
  202     [CU.block|Ptr_ORB * {
  203       cv::Ptr<cv::ORB> orbPtr =
  204         cv::ORB::create
  205         ( $(int32_t orb_nfeatures)
  206         , $(float   c'scaleFactor)
  207         , $(int32_t orb_nlevels)
  208         , $(int32_t orb_edgeThreshold)
  209         , $(int32_t orb_firstLevel)
  210         , $(int32_t c'WTA_K)
  211         , $(int32_t c'scoreType)
  212         , $(int32_t orb_patchSize)
  213         , $(int32_t orb_fastThreshold)
  214         );
  215       return new cv::Ptr<cv::ORB>(orbPtr);
  216     }|]
  217   where
  218     c'scaleFactor = realToFrac orb_scaleFactor
  219     c'WTA_K       = marshalWTA_K        orb_WTA_K
  220     c'scoreType   = marshalOrbScoreType orb_scoreType
  222 mkOrb :: OrbParams -> Orb
  223 mkOrb = unsafePerformIO . newOrb
  225 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  227 {- | Detect keypoints and compute descriptors
  229 Example:
  231 @
  232 orbDetectAndComputeImg
  233     :: forall (width    :: Nat)
  234               (height   :: Nat)
  235               (channels :: Nat)
  236               (depth    :: *)
  237      . (Mat (ShapeT [height, width]) ('S channels) ('S depth) ~ Frog)
  238     => Mat (ShapeT [height, width]) ('S channels) ('S depth)
  239 orbDetectAndComputeImg = exceptError $ do
  240     (kpts, _descs) <- orbDetectAndCompute orb frog Nothing
  241     withMatM (Proxy :: Proxy [height, width])
  242              (Proxy :: Proxy channels)
  243              (Proxy :: Proxy depth)
  244              white $ \\imgM -> do
  245       void $ matCopyToM imgM (V2 0 0) frog Nothing
  246       forM_ kpts $ \\kpt -> do
  247         let kptRec = keyPointAsRec kpt
  248         circle imgM (round \<$> kptPoint kptRec :: V2 Int32) 5 blue 1 LineType_AA 0
  249   where
  250     orb = mkOrb defaultOrbParams
  251 @
  253 <<doc/generated/examples/orbDetectAndComputeImg.png orbDetectAndComputeImg>>
  254 -}
  255 orbDetectAndCompute
  256     :: Orb
  257     -> Mat ('S [height, width]) channels depth -- ^ Image.
  258     -> Maybe (Mat ('S [height, width]) ('S 1) ('S Word8)) -- ^ Mask.
  259     -> CvExcept ( V.Vector KeyPoint
  260                 , Mat 'D 'D 'D
  261                 )
  262 orbDetectAndCompute orb img mbMask = unsafeWrapException $ do
  263     descriptors <- newEmptyMat
  264     withPtr orb $ \orbPtr ->
  265       withPtr img $ \imgPtr ->
  266       withPtr mbMask $ \maskPtr ->
  267       withPtr descriptors $ \descPtr ->
  268       alloca $ \(numPtsPtr :: Ptr Int32) ->
  269       alloca $ \(arrayPtrPtr :: Ptr (Ptr (Ptr C'KeyPoint))) -> mask_ $ do
  270         ptrException <- [cvExcept|
  271           cv::ORB * orb = *$(Ptr_ORB * orbPtr);
  272           cv::Mat * maskPtr = $(Mat * maskPtr);
  274           std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> keypoints = std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>();
  275           orb->
  276             detectAndCompute
  277             ( *$(Mat * imgPtr)
  278             , maskPtr ? cv::_InputArray(*maskPtr) : cv::_InputArray(noArray())
  279             , keypoints
  280             , *$(Mat * descPtr)
  281             , false
  282             );
  284           *$(int32_t * numPtsPtr) = keypoints.size();
  286           cv::KeyPoint * * * arrayPtrPtr = $(KeyPoint * * * arrayPtrPtr);
  287           cv::KeyPoint * * arrayPtr = new cv::KeyPoint * [keypoints.size()];
  288           *arrayPtrPtr = arrayPtr;
  290           for (std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>::size_type ix = 0; ix != keypoints.size(); ix++)
  291           {
  292             cv::KeyPoint & org = keypoints[ix];
  293             cv::KeyPoint * newPt =
  294               new cv::KeyPoint(
  295                               , org.size
  296                               , org.angle
  297                               , org.response
  298                               , org.octave
  299                               , org.class_id
  300                               );
  301             arrayPtr[ix] = newPt;
  302           }
  303         |]
  304         if ptrException /= nullPtr
  305         then Left . BindingException <$> fromPtr (pure ptrException)
  306         else do
  307           numPts <- fromIntegral <$> peek numPtsPtr
  308           arrayPtr <- peek arrayPtrPtr
  309           keypoints <- mapM (fromPtr . pure) =<< peekArray numPts arrayPtr
  311           [CU.block| void {
  312             delete [] *$(KeyPoint * * * arrayPtrPtr);
  313           }|]
  315           pure $ Right (V.fromList keypoints, relaxMat descriptors)
  317 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  318 -- BLOB - Binary Large OBject
  319 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  321 -- Internally, a SimpleBlobDetector is a pointer to a @cv::Ptr<cv::SimpleBlobDetector>@, which in turn points
  322 -- to an actual @cv::SimpleBlobDetector@ object.
  323 newtype SimpleBlobDetector = SimpleBlobDetector {unSimpleBlobDetector :: ForeignPtr C'Ptr_SimpleBlobDetector}
  325 type instance C SimpleBlobDetector = C'Ptr_SimpleBlobDetector
  327 instance WithPtr SimpleBlobDetector where
  328     withPtr = withForeignPtr . unSimpleBlobDetector
  330 instance FromPtr SimpleBlobDetector where
  331     fromPtr = objFromPtr SimpleBlobDetector $ \ptr ->
  332                 [CU.block| void {
  333                   cv::Ptr<cv::SimpleBlobDetector> * simpleBlobDetector_ptr_ptr = $(Ptr_SimpleBlobDetector * ptr);
  334                   simpleBlobDetector_ptr_ptr->release();
  335                   delete simpleBlobDetector_ptr_ptr;
  336                 }|]
  338 data BlobFilterByArea
  339      = BlobFilterByArea
  340      { blob_minArea :: !Float
  341      , blob_maxArea :: !Float
  342      } deriving Eq
  344 data BlobFilterByCircularity
  345      = BlobFilterByCircularity
  346      { blob_minCircularity :: !Float
  347      , blob_maxCircularity :: !Float
  348      } deriving Eq
  350 data BlobFilterByColor
  351      = BlobFilterByColor
  352      { blob_blobColor :: !Word8
  353      } deriving Eq
  355 data BlobFilterByConvexity
  356      = BlobFilterByConvexity
  357      { blob_minConvexity :: !Float
  358      , blob_maxConvexity :: !Float
  359      } deriving Eq
  361 data BlobFilterByInertia
  362      = BlobFilterByInertia
  363      { blob_minInertiaRatio :: !Float
  364      , blob_maxInertiaRatio :: !Float
  365      } deriving Eq
  367 data SimpleBlobDetectorParams
  368    = SimpleBlobDetectorParams
  369      { blob_minThreshold :: !Float
  370      , blob_maxThreshold :: !Float
  371      , blob_thresholdStep :: !Float
  372      , blob_minRepeatability :: !Int32
  373      , blob_minDistBetweenBlobs :: !Float
  374      , blob_filterByArea :: !(Maybe BlobFilterByArea)
  375        -- ^ Extracted blobs have an area between 'minArea' (inclusive) and
  376        --   'maxArea' (exclusive).
  377      , blob_filterByCircularity :: !(Maybe BlobFilterByCircularity)
  378        -- ^ Extracted blobs have circularity
  379        --   @(4 * pi * Area)/(perimeter * perimeter)@ between 'minCircularity'
  380        --   (inclusive) and 'maxCircularity' (exclusive).
  381      , blob_filterByColor :: !(Maybe BlobFilterByColor)
  382        -- ^ This filter compares the intensity of a binary image at the center of
  383        --   a blob to 'blobColor'. If they differ, the blob is filtered out. Use
  384        --   @blobColor = 0@ to extract dark blobs and @blobColor = 255@ to extract
  385        --   light blobs.
  386      , blob_filterByConvexity :: !(Maybe BlobFilterByConvexity)
  387        -- ^ Extracted blobs have convexity (area / area of blob convex hull) between
  388        --   'minConvexity' (inclusive) and 'maxConvexity' (exclusive).
  389      , blob_filterByInertia :: !(Maybe BlobFilterByInertia)
  390        -- ^ Extracted blobs have this ratio between 'minInertiaRatio' (inclusive)
  391        --   and 'maxInertiaRatio' (exclusive).
  392      }
  394 defaultSimpleBlobDetectorParams :: SimpleBlobDetectorParams
  395 defaultSimpleBlobDetectorParams =
  396     SimpleBlobDetectorParams
  397     { blob_minThreshold = 50
  398     , blob_maxThreshold = 220
  399     , blob_thresholdStep = 10
  400     , blob_minRepeatability = 2
  401     , blob_minDistBetweenBlobs = 10
  402     , blob_filterByArea = Just (BlobFilterByArea 25 5000)
  403     , blob_filterByCircularity = Nothing
  404     , blob_filterByColor = Just (BlobFilterByColor 0)
  405     , blob_filterByConvexity = Just (BlobFilterByConvexity 0.95 infinity)
  406     , blob_filterByInertia = Just (BlobFilterByInertia 0.1 infinity)
  407     }
  409 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  411 newSimpleBlobDetector :: SimpleBlobDetectorParams -> IO SimpleBlobDetector
  412 newSimpleBlobDetector SimpleBlobDetectorParams{..} = fromPtr
  413     [CU.block|Ptr_SimpleBlobDetector * {
  414       cv::SimpleBlobDetector::Params params;
  415       params.blobColor           = $(unsigned char c'blobColor);
  416       params.filterByArea        = $(bool c'filterByArea);
  417       params.filterByCircularity = $(bool c'filterByCircularity);
  418       params.filterByColor       = $(bool c'filterByColor);
  419       params.filterByConvexity   = $(bool c'filterByConvexity);
  420       params.filterByInertia     = $(bool c'filterByInertia);
  421       params.maxArea             = $(float c'maxArea);
  422       params.maxCircularity      = $(float c'maxCircularity);
  423       params.maxConvexity        = $(float c'maxConvexity);
  424       params.maxInertiaRatio     = $(float c'maxInertiaRatio);
  425       params.maxThreshold        = $(float c'maxThreshold);
  426       params.minArea             = $(float c'minArea);
  427       params.minCircularity      = $(float c'minCircularity);
  428       params.minConvexity        = $(float c'minConvexity);
  429       params.minDistBetweenBlobs = $(float c'minDistBetweenBlobs);
  430       params.minInertiaRatio     = $(float c'minInertiaRatio);
  431       params.minRepeatability    = $(float c'minRepeatability);
  432       params.minThreshold        = $(float c'minThreshold);
  433       params.thresholdStep       = $(float c'thresholdStep);
  434       cv::Ptr<cv::SimpleBlobDetector> detectorPtr =
  435         cv::SimpleBlobDetector::create(params);
  436       return new cv::Ptr<cv::SimpleBlobDetector>(detectorPtr);
  437     }|]
  438   where
  439     c'minThreshold        = realToFrac blob_minThreshold
  440     c'maxThreshold        = realToFrac blob_maxThreshold
  441     c'thresholdStep       = realToFrac blob_thresholdStep
  442     c'minRepeatability    = realToFrac blob_minRepeatability
  443     c'minDistBetweenBlobs = realToFrac blob_minDistBetweenBlobs
  444     c'filterByArea        = fromBool (isJust blob_filterByArea)
  445     c'filterByCircularity = fromBool (isJust blob_filterByCircularity)
  446     c'filterByColor       = fromBool (isJust blob_filterByColor)
  447     c'filterByConvexity   = fromBool (isJust blob_filterByConvexity)
  448     c'filterByInertia     = fromBool (isJust blob_filterByInertia)
  449     c'minArea             = realToFrac (fromMaybe 25 (fmap blob_minArea blob_filterByArea))
  450     c'maxArea             = realToFrac (fromMaybe 5000 (fmap blob_maxArea blob_filterByArea))
  451     c'minCircularity      = realToFrac (fromMaybe 0.8 (fmap blob_minCircularity blob_filterByCircularity))
  452     c'maxCircularity      = realToFrac (fromMaybe infinity (fmap blob_maxCircularity blob_filterByCircularity))
  453     c'blobColor           = fromIntegral (fromMaybe 0 (fmap blob_blobColor blob_filterByColor))
  454     c'minConvexity        = realToFrac (fromMaybe 0.95 (fmap blob_minConvexity blob_filterByConvexity))
  455     c'maxConvexity        = realToFrac (fromMaybe infinity (fmap blob_maxConvexity blob_filterByConvexity))
  456     c'minInertiaRatio     = realToFrac (fromMaybe 0.1 (fmap blob_minInertiaRatio blob_filterByInertia))
  457     c'maxInertiaRatio     = realToFrac (fromMaybe infinity (fmap blob_maxInertiaRatio blob_filterByInertia))
  459 mkSimpleBlobDetector :: SimpleBlobDetectorParams -> SimpleBlobDetector
  460 mkSimpleBlobDetector = unsafePerformIO . newSimpleBlobDetector
  462 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  464 {- | Detect keypoints and compute descriptors
  465 -}
  466 blobDetect
  467     :: SimpleBlobDetector
  468     -> Mat ('S [height, width]) channels depth -- ^ Image.
  469     -> Maybe (Mat ('S [height, width]) ('S 1) ('S Word8)) -- ^ Mask.
  470     -> CvExcept (V.Vector KeyPoint)
  471 blobDetect detector img mbMask = unsafeWrapException $ do
  472     withPtr detector $ \detectorPtr ->
  473       withPtr img $ \imgPtr ->
  474       withPtr mbMask $ \maskPtr ->
  475       alloca $ \(numPtsPtr :: Ptr Int32) ->
  476       alloca $ \(arrayPtrPtr :: Ptr (Ptr (Ptr C'KeyPoint))) -> mask_ $ do
  477         ptrException <- [cvExcept|
  478           cv::SimpleBlobDetector * detector = *$(Ptr_SimpleBlobDetector * detectorPtr);
  479           cv::Mat * maskPtr = $(Mat * maskPtr);
  481           std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> keypoints = std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>();
  482           detector->
  483             detect
  484             ( *$(Mat * imgPtr)
  485             , keypoints
  486             , maskPtr ? cv::_InputArray(*maskPtr) : cv::_InputArray(noArray())
  487             );
  489           *$(int32_t * numPtsPtr) = keypoints.size();
  491           cv::KeyPoint * * * arrayPtrPtr = $(KeyPoint * * * arrayPtrPtr);
  492           cv::KeyPoint * * arrayPtr = new cv::KeyPoint * [keypoints.size()];
  493           *arrayPtrPtr = arrayPtr;
  495           for (std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>::size_type ix = 0; ix != keypoints.size(); ix++)
  496           {
  497             arrayPtr[ix] = new cv::KeyPoint(keypoints[ix]);
  498           }
  499         |]
  500         if ptrException /= nullPtr
  501         then Left . BindingException <$> fromPtr (pure ptrException)
  502         else do
  503           numPts <- fromIntegral <$> peek numPtsPtr
  504           arrayPtr <- peek arrayPtrPtr
  505           keypoints <- mapM (fromPtr . pure) =<< peekArray numPts arrayPtr
  507           [CU.block| void {
  508             delete [] *$(KeyPoint * * * arrayPtrPtr);
  509           }|]
  511           pure $ Right (V.fromList keypoints)
  513 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  514 -- DescriptorMatcher
  515 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  517 class DescriptorMatcher a where
  518     upcast :: a -> BaseMatcher
  519     add :: a
  520         -> V.Vector (Mat 'D 'D 'D) -- ^ Train set of descriptors.
  521         -> IO ()
  522     add dm trainDescriptors =
  523         withPtr (upcast dm)           $ \dmPtr       ->
  524         withArrayPtr trainDescriptors $ \trainVecPtr ->
  525             [C.block| void {
  526                 std::vector<Mat> buffer( $(Mat * trainVecPtr)
  527                                        , $(Mat * trainVecPtr) + $(int32_t c'trainVecLength) );
  528                 $(DescriptorMatcher * dmPtr)->add(buffer);
  529             }|]
  530       where
  531         c'trainVecLength = fromIntegral $ V.length trainDescriptors
  532     train :: a
  533           -> IO ()
  534     train dm =
  535         withPtr (upcast dm) $ \dmPtr ->
  536             [C.block| void { $(DescriptorMatcher * dmPtr)->train(); } |]
  537     match
  538         :: a
  539         -> Mat 'D 'D 'D -- ^ Query set of descriptors.
  540         -> Mat 'D 'D 'D -- ^ Train set of descriptors.
  541         -> Maybe (Mat ('S [height, width]) ('S 1) ('S Word8))
  542            -- ^ Mask specifying permissible matches between an input query and
  543            -- train matrices of descriptors..
  544         -> IO (V.Vector DMatch)
  545     match dm queryDescriptors trainDescriptors mbMask =
  546         withPtr (upcast dm)      $ \dmPtr    ->
  547         withPtr queryDescriptors $ \queryPtr ->
  548         withPtr trainDescriptors $ \trainPtr ->
  549         withPtr mbMask           $ \maskPtr  ->
  550         alloca $ \(numMatchesPtr :: Ptr Int32) ->
  551         alloca $ \(arrayPtrPtr :: Ptr (Ptr (Ptr C'DMatch))) -> mask_ $ do
  552             [C.block| void {
  553                 cv::Mat * maskPtr = $(Mat * maskPtr);
  554                 std::vector<cv::DMatch> matches = std::vector<cv::DMatch>();
  555                 $(DescriptorMatcher * dmPtr)->match
  556                     ( *$(Mat * queryPtr)
  557                     , *$(Mat * trainPtr)
  558                     , matches
  559                     , maskPtr ? cv::_InputArray(*maskPtr) : cv::_InputArray(noArray())
  560                     );
  561                 *$(int32_t * numMatchesPtr) = matches.size();
  562                 cv::DMatch * * * arrayPtrPtr = $(DMatch * * * arrayPtrPtr);
  563                 cv::DMatch * * arrayPtr = new cv::DMatch * [matches.size()];
  564                 *arrayPtrPtr = arrayPtr;
  565                 for (std::vector<cv::DMatch>::size_type ix = 0; ix != matches.size(); ix++)
  566                 {
  567                     cv::DMatch & org = matches[ix];
  568                     cv::DMatch * newMatch =
  569                         new cv::DMatch( org.queryIdx
  570                                       , org.trainIdx
  571                                       , org.imgIdx
  572                                       , org.distance
  573                                       );
  574                     arrayPtr[ix] = newMatch;
  575                 }
  576             }|]
  577             (numMatches :: Int) <- fromIntegral <$> peek numMatchesPtr
  578             arrayPtr <- peek arrayPtrPtr
  579             matches <- mapM (fromPtr . pure) =<< peekArray numMatches arrayPtr
  580             [CU.block| void {
  581                 delete [] *$(DMatch * * * arrayPtrPtr);
  582             }|]
  583             pure $ V.fromList matches
  584     -- | Match in pre-trained matcher
  585     --
  586     match'
  587         :: a
  588         -> Mat 'D 'D 'D -- ^ Query set of descriptors.
  589         -> Maybe (Mat ('S [height, width]) ('S 1) ('S Word8))
  590            -- ^ Mask specifying permissible matches between an input query and
  591            -- train matrices of descriptors..
  592         -> IO (V.Vector DMatch)
  593     match' dm queryDescriptors mbMask =
  594         withPtr (upcast dm)      $ \dmPtr    ->
  595         withPtr queryDescriptors $ \queryPtr ->
  596         withPtr mbMask           $ \maskPtr  ->
  597         alloca $ \(numMatchesPtr :: Ptr Int32) ->
  598         alloca $ \(arrayPtrPtr :: Ptr (Ptr (Ptr C'DMatch))) -> mask_ $ do
  599             [C.block| void {
  600                 cv::Mat * maskPtr = $(Mat * maskPtr);
  601                 std::vector<cv::DMatch> matches = std::vector<cv::DMatch>();
  602                 $(DescriptorMatcher * dmPtr)->match
  603                     ( *$(Mat * queryPtr)
  604                     , matches
  605                     , maskPtr ? cv::_InputArray(*maskPtr) : cv::_InputArray(noArray())
  606                     );
  607                 *$(int32_t * numMatchesPtr) = matches.size();
  608                 cv::DMatch * * * arrayPtrPtr = $(DMatch * * * arrayPtrPtr);
  609                 cv::DMatch * * arrayPtr = new cv::DMatch * [matches.size()];
  610                 *arrayPtrPtr = arrayPtr;
  611                 for (std::vector<cv::DMatch>::size_type ix = 0; ix != matches.size(); ix++)
  612                 {
  613                     cv::DMatch & org = matches[ix];
  614                     cv::DMatch * newMatch =
  615                         new cv::DMatch( org.queryIdx
  616                                       , org.trainIdx
  617                                       , org.imgIdx
  618                                       , org.distance
  619                                       );
  620                     arrayPtr[ix] = newMatch;
  621                 }
  622             }|]
  623             (numMatches :: Int) <- fromIntegral <$> peek numMatchesPtr
  624             arrayPtr <- peek arrayPtrPtr
  625             matches <- mapM (fromPtr . pure) =<< peekArray numMatches arrayPtr
  626             [CU.block| void {
  627                 delete [] *$(DMatch * * * arrayPtrPtr);
  628             }|]
  629             pure $ V.fromList matches
  632 newtype BaseMatcher = BaseMatcher {unBaseMatcher :: ForeignPtr C'DescriptorMatcher}
  634 type instance C BaseMatcher = C'DescriptorMatcher
  636 instance WithPtr BaseMatcher where
  637     withPtr = withForeignPtr . unBaseMatcher
  640 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  641 -- BFMatcher
  642 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  644 {- | Brute-force descriptor matcher
  646 For each descriptor in the first set, this matcher finds the closest descriptor
  647 in the second set by trying each one. This descriptor matcher supports masking
  648 permissible matches of descriptor sets.
  650 Example:
  652 @
  653 bfMatcherImg
  654     :: forall (width    :: Nat)
  655               (width2   :: Nat)
  656               (height   :: Nat)
  657               (channels :: Nat)
  658               (depth    :: *)
  659      . ( Mat (ShapeT [height, width]) ('S channels) ('S depth) ~ Frog
  660        , width2 ~ (*) width 2
  661        )
  662     => IO (Mat (ShapeT [height, width2]) ('S channels) ('S depth))
  663 bfMatcherImg = do
  664     let (kpts1, descs1) = exceptError $ orbDetectAndCompute orb frog        Nothing
  665         (kpts2, descs2) = exceptError $ orbDetectAndCompute orb rotatedFrog Nothing
  667     bfmatcher <- newBFMatcher Norm_Hamming True
  668     matches <- match bfmatcher
  669                      descs1 -- Query descriptors
  670                      descs2 -- Train descriptors
  671                      Nothing
  672     exceptErrorIO $ pureExcept $
  673       withMatM (Proxy :: Proxy [height, width2])
  674                (Proxy :: Proxy channels)
  675                (Proxy :: Proxy depth)
  676                white $ \\imgM -> do
  677         matCopyToM imgM (V2 0     0) frog        Nothing
  678         matCopyToM imgM (V2 width 0) rotatedFrog Nothing
  680         -- Draw the matches as lines from the query image to the train image.
  681         forM_ matches $ \\dmatch -> do
  682           let matchRec = dmatchAsRec dmatch
  683               queryPt = kpts1 V.! fromIntegral (dmatchQueryIdx matchRec)
  684               trainPt = kpts2 V.! fromIntegral (dmatchTrainIdx matchRec)
  685               queryPtRec = keyPointAsRec queryPt
  686               trainPtRec = keyPointAsRec trainPt
  688           -- We translate the train point one width to the right in order to
  689           -- match the position of rotatedFrog in imgM.
  690           line imgM
  691                (round \<$> kptPoint queryPtRec :: V2 Int32)
  692                ((round \<$> kptPoint trainPtRec :: V2 Int32) ^+^ V2 width 0)
  693                blue 1 LineType_AA 0
  694   where
  695     orb = mkOrb defaultOrbParams {orb_nfeatures = 50}
  697     width = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy width)
  699     rotatedFrog = exceptError $
  700                   warpAffine frog rotMat InterArea False False (BorderConstant black)
  701     rotMat = getRotationMatrix2D (V2 250 195 :: V2 CFloat) 45 0.8
  702 @
  704 <<doc/generated/examples/bfMatcherImg.png bfMatcherImg>>
  706 < OpenCV Sphinx doc>
  707 -}
  708 newtype BFMatcher = BFMatcher {unBFMatcher :: ForeignPtr C'BFMatcher}
  710 type instance C BFMatcher = C'BFMatcher
  712 instance WithPtr BFMatcher where
  713     withPtr = withForeignPtr . unBFMatcher
  715 instance FromPtr BFMatcher where
  716     fromPtr = objFromPtr BFMatcher $ \ptr ->
  717                 [CU.exp| void { delete $(BFMatcher * ptr) }|]
  720 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  722 newBFMatcher
  723     :: NormType
  724        -- ^ 'Norm_L1' and 'Norm_L2' norms are preferable choices for SIFT and
  725        -- SURF descriptors, 'Norm_Hamming' should be used with 'Orb', BRISK and
  726        -- BRIEF, 'Norm_Hamming2' should be used with 'Orb' when 'WTA_K_3' or
  727        -- 'WTA_K_4' (see 'orb_WTA_K').
  728     -> Bool
  729        -- ^ If it is false, this is will be default 'BFMatcher' behaviour when
  730        -- it finds the k nearest neighbors for each query descriptor. If
  731        -- crossCheck == True, then the @knnMatch()@ method with @k=1@ will only
  732        -- return pairs @(i,j)@ such that for i-th query descriptor the j-th
  733        -- descriptor in the matcher's collection is the nearest and vice versa,
  734        -- i.e. the 'BFMatcher' will only return consistent pairs. Such technique
  735        -- usually produces best results with minimal number of outliers when
  736        -- there are enough matches. This is alternative to the ratio test, used
  737        -- by D. Lowe in SIFT paper.
  738     -> IO BFMatcher
  739 newBFMatcher normType crossCheck = fromPtr
  740     [CU.exp|BFMatcher * {
  741       new cv::BFMatcher
  742           ( $(int32_t c'normType)
  743           , $(bool c'crossCheck)
  744           )
  745     }|]
  746   where
  747     c'normType = marshalNormType NormAbsolute normType
  748     c'crossCheck = fromBool crossCheck
  750 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  752 instance DescriptorMatcher BFMatcher where
  753     upcast (BFMatcher ptr) = BaseMatcher $ castForeignPtr ptr
  757 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  758 -- FlannBasedMatcher
  759 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  761 {- | Flann-based descriptor matcher.
  763 This matcher trains @flann::Index_@ on a train descriptor collection and calls it
  764 nearest search methods to find the best matches. So, this matcher may be faster
  765 when matching a large train collection than the brute force matcher.
  766 @FlannBasedMatcher@ does not support masking permissible matches of descriptor
  767 sets because flann::Index does not support this.
  769 Example:
  771 @
  772 fbMatcherImg
  773     :: forall (width    :: Nat)
  774               (width2   :: Nat)
  775               (height   :: Nat)
  776               (channels :: Nat)
  777               (depth    :: *)
  778      . ( Mat (ShapeT [height, width]) ('S channels) ('S depth) ~ Frog
  779        , width2 ~ (*) width 2
  780        )
  781     => IO (Mat (ShapeT [height, width2]) ('S channels) ('S depth))
  782 fbMatcherImg = do
  783     let (kpts1, descs1) = exceptError $ orbDetectAndCompute orb frog        Nothing
  784         (kpts2, descs2) = exceptError $ orbDetectAndCompute orb rotatedFrog Nothing
  786     fbmatcher <- newFlannBasedMatcher (def { indexParams = FlannLshIndexParams 20 10 2 })
  787     matches <- match fbmatcher
  788                      descs1 -- Query descriptors
  789                      descs2 -- Train descriptors
  790                      Nothing
  791     exceptErrorIO $ pureExcept $
  792       withMatM (Proxy :: Proxy [height, width2])
  793                (Proxy :: Proxy channels)
  794                (Proxy :: Proxy depth)
  795                white $ \\imgM -> do
  796         matCopyToM imgM (V2 0     0) frog        Nothing
  797         matCopyToM imgM (V2 width 0) rotatedFrog Nothing
  799         -- Draw the matches as lines from the query image to the train image.
  800         forM_ matches $ \\dmatch -> do
  801           let matchRec = dmatchAsRec dmatch
  802               queryPt = kpts1 V.! fromIntegral (dmatchQueryIdx matchRec)
  803               trainPt = kpts2 V.! fromIntegral (dmatchTrainIdx matchRec)
  804               queryPtRec = keyPointAsRec queryPt
  805               trainPtRec = keyPointAsRec trainPt
  807           -- We translate the train point one width to the right in order to
  808           -- match the position of rotatedFrog in imgM.
  809           line imgM
  810                (round \<$> kptPoint queryPtRec :: V2 Int32)
  811                ((round \<$> kptPoint trainPtRec :: V2 Int32) ^+^ V2 width 0)
  812                blue 1 LineType_AA 0
  813   where
  814     orb = mkOrb defaultOrbParams {orb_nfeatures = 50}
  816     width = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy width)
  818     rotatedFrog = exceptError $
  819                   warpAffine frog rotMat InterArea False False (BorderConstant black)
  820     rotMat = getRotationMatrix2D (V2 250 195 :: V2 CFloat) 45 0.8
  821 @
  823 <<doc/generated/examples/fbMatcherImg.png fbMatcherImg>>
  825 < OpenCV Sphinx doc>
  826 -}
  827 newtype FlannBasedMatcher = FlannBasedMatcher {unFlannBasedMatcher :: ForeignPtr C'FlannBasedMatcher}
  829 type instance C FlannBasedMatcher = C'FlannBasedMatcher
  831 instance WithPtr FlannBasedMatcher where
  832     withPtr = withForeignPtr . unFlannBasedMatcher
  834 instance FromPtr FlannBasedMatcher where
  835     fromPtr = objFromPtr FlannBasedMatcher $ \ptr ->
  836                 [CU.exp| void { delete $(FlannBasedMatcher * ptr) }|]
  839 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  842 data FlannIndexParams = FlannKDTreeIndexParams { trees :: Int }
  843                       | FlannLshIndexParams { tableNumber :: Int, keySize :: Int, multiProbeLevel :: Int }
  846 data FlannSearchParams = FlannSearchParams { checks :: Int, eps :: Float, sorted :: Bool }
  849 data FlannBasedMatcherParams = FlannBasedMatcherParams
  850     { indexParams :: FlannIndexParams
  851     , searchParams :: FlannSearchParams
  852     }
  855 instance Default FlannIndexParams where
  856     def = FlannKDTreeIndexParams { trees = 4 }
  859 instance Default FlannSearchParams where
  860     def = FlannSearchParams { checks = 32, eps = 0, sorted = True }
  863 instance Default FlannBasedMatcherParams where
  864     def = FlannBasedMatcherParams def def
  867 -- NB: 1) it's OK to pass these new object as raw pointers because these directly pass to Ptr() in FlannBasedMatcher
  868 --     2) also, these objects use only in this internal module, so we don't create inlinec-wrappers for it, but pass
  869 --        between calls as void* pointers
  871 marshalIndexParams :: FlannIndexParams -> Ptr ()
  872 marshalIndexParams (FlannKDTreeIndexParams tree) = unsafePerformIO $
  873     [CU.exp| void* { new flann::KDTreeIndexParams($(int32_t c'tree)) } |]
  874     where c'tree = fromIntegral tree
  875 marshalIndexParams (FlannLshIndexParams tableNumber keySize multiProbeLevel) = unsafePerformIO $
  876     [CU.exp| void* { new cv::flann::LshIndexParams($(int32_t c'tableNumber), $(int32_t c'keySize), $(int32_t c'multiProbeLevel)) } |]
  877     where c'tableNumber     = fromIntegral tableNumber
  878           c'keySize         = fromIntegral keySize
  879           c'multiProbeLevel = fromIntegral multiProbeLevel
  881 marshallSearchParams :: FlannSearchParams -> Ptr ()
  882 marshallSearchParams (FlannSearchParams checks eps sorted) = unsafePerformIO $
  883     [CU.exp| void* { new cv::flann::SearchParams($(int32_t c'checks), $(float c'eps), $(bool c'sorted)) } |]
  884     where c'checks = fromIntegral checks
  885           c'eps    = realToFrac eps
  886           c'sorted = fromBool sorted
  889 newFlannBasedMatcher :: FlannBasedMatcherParams -> IO FlannBasedMatcher
  890 newFlannBasedMatcher FlannBasedMatcherParams{..} = fromPtr
  891     [CU.exp|FlannBasedMatcher * {
  892       new cv::FlannBasedMatcher((flann::IndexParams*)($(void* c'indexParams)), (flann::SearchParams*)($(void* c'searchParams)))
  893     }|]
  894   where
  895     c'indexParams  = marshalIndexParams indexParams
  896     c'searchParams = marshallSearchParams searchParams
  898 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  900 instance DescriptorMatcher FlannBasedMatcher where
  901     upcast (FlannBasedMatcher ptr) = BaseMatcher $ castForeignPtr ptr
  904 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  906 data DrawMatchesParams = DrawMatchesParams
  907     { matchColor :: Scalar
  908     , singlePointColor :: Scalar
  909     -- , matchesMask -- TODO
  910     , flags :: Int32
  911     }
  914 instance Default DrawMatchesParams where
  915     def = DrawMatchesParams
  916         { matchColor = toScalar $ V4 (255::Double) 255 255 125
  917         , singlePointColor = toScalar $ V4 (255::Double) 255 255 125
  918         , flags = 0
  919         }
  921 drawMatches :: Mat ('S [height, width]) channels depth
  922             -> V.Vector KeyPoint
  923             -> Mat ('S [height, width]) channels depth
  924             -> V.Vector KeyPoint
  925             -> V.Vector DMatch
  926             -> DrawMatchesParams
  927             -> CvExcept (Mat ('S ['D, 'D]) channels depth)
  928 drawMatches img1 keypoints1 img2 keypoints2 matches1to2 (DrawMatchesParams{..}) = unsafeWrapException $ do
  929     outImg <- newEmptyMat
  930     handleCvException (pure $ unsafeCoerceMat outImg) $
  931         withPtr img1             $ \img1Ptr ->
  932         withArrayPtr keypoints1  $ \kps1Ptr ->
  933         withPtr img2             $ \img2Ptr ->
  934         withArrayPtr keypoints2  $ \kps2Ptr ->
  935         withArrayPtr matches1to2 $ \mt12Ptr ->
  936         withPtr outImg           $ \outImgPtr ->
  937             [cvExcept|
  938                 std::vector<KeyPoint> kps1($(KeyPoint * kps1Ptr), $(KeyPoint * kps1Ptr) + $(int32_t c'kps1Length));
  939                 std::vector<KeyPoint> kps2($(KeyPoint * kps2Ptr), $(KeyPoint * kps2Ptr) + $(int32_t c'kps2Length));
  940                 std::vector<DMatch>   mt12($(DMatch * mt12Ptr),   $(DMatch * mt12Ptr) + $(int32_t c'matches1to2Length));
  941                 drawMatches(
  942                     *$(Mat* img1Ptr),
  943                     kps1,
  944                     *$(Mat* img2Ptr),
  945                     kps2,
  946                     mt12,
  947                     *$(Mat* outImgPtr));
  948             |]
  949   where
  950     c'kps1Length = fromIntegral $ V.length keypoints1
  951     c'kps2Length = fromIntegral $ V.length keypoints2
  952     c'matches1to2Length = fromIntegral $ V.length matches1to2