never executed always true always false
    1 {-# language CPP #-}
    2 {-# language QuasiQuotes #-}
    3 {-# language TemplateHaskell #-}
    5 #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
    6 {-# options_ghc -Wno-redundant-constraints #-}
    7 #endif
    9 {- |
   11 Functions and classes described in this section are used to perform various
   12 linear or non-linear filtering operations on 2D images (represented as
   13 @'Mat'@\'s). It means that for each pixel location @(x,y)@ in the source image
   14 (normally, rectangular), its neighborhood is considered and used to compute the
   15 response. In case of a linear filter, it is a weighted sum of pixel values. In
   16 case of morphological operations, it is the minimum or maximum values, and so
   17 on. The computed response is stored in the destination image at the same
   18 location @(x,y)@. It means that the output image will be of the same size as the
   19 input image. Normally, the functions support multi-channel arrays, in which case
   20 every channel is processed independently. Therefore, the output image will also
   21 have the same number of channels as the input one.
   23 Another common feature of the functions and classes described in this section is
   24 that, unlike simple arithmetic functions, they need to extrapolate values of
   25 some non-existing pixels. For example, if you want to smooth an image using a
   26 Gaussian @3x3@ filter, then, when processing the left-most pixels in each
   27 row, you need pixels to the left of them, that is, outside of the image. You can
   28 let these pixels be the same as the left-most image pixels ("replicated border"
   29 extrapolation method), or assume that all the non-existing pixels are zeros
   30 ("constant border" extrapolation method), and so on. OpenCV enables you to
   31 specify the extrapolation method.
   32 -}
   33 module OpenCV.ImgProc.ImgFiltering
   34     ( MorphShape(..)
   35     , MorphOperation(..)
   37     , bilateralFilter
   38     , laplacian
   39     , medianBlur
   40     , erode
   41     , dilate
   42     , filter2D
   43     , morphologyEx
   44     , getStructuringElement
   45     , blur
   46     , gaussianBlur
   47     ) where
   49 import "base" Data.Int
   50 import "base" Data.Maybe
   51 import "base" Data.Proxy
   52 import "base" Data.Word
   53 import qualified "inline-c" Language.C.Inline as C
   54 import qualified "inline-c-cpp" Language.C.Inline.Cpp as C
   55 import "linear" Linear.V2 ( V2(..) )
   56 import "this" OpenCV.Core.Types
   57 import "this" OpenCV.ImgProc.Types
   58 import "this" OpenCV.Internal.C.Inline ( openCvCtx )
   59 import "this" OpenCV.Internal.C.Types
   60 import "this" OpenCV.Internal.Core.Types.Mat
   61 import "this" OpenCV.Internal.Exception
   62 import "this" OpenCV.Internal.ImgProc.Types ( marshalBorderMode )
   63 import "this" OpenCV.TypeLevel
   65 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   67 C.context openCvCtx
   69 C.include "opencv2/core.hpp"
   70 C.include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"
   71 C.using "namespace cv"
   73 #include <bindings.dsl.h>
   74 #include "opencv2/core.hpp"
   75 #include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"
   77 #include "namespace.hpp"
   78 #include "hsc_macros.hpp"
   81 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   82 -- Constants
   83 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   85 defaultAnchor :: Point2i
   86 defaultAnchor = toPoint (pure (-1) :: V2 Int32)
   89 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   90 -- Types
   91 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   93 data MorphShape
   94    = MorphRect -- ^ A rectangular structuring element.
   95    | MorphEllipse
   96      -- ^ An elliptic structuring element, that is, a filled ellipse inscribed
   97      -- into the rectangle Rect(0, 0, esize.width, 0.esize.height).
   98    | MorphCross !Point2i -- ^ A cross-shaped structuring element.
  100 #num MORPH_RECT
  101 #num MORPH_ELLIPSE
  102 #num MORPH_CROSS
  104 marshalMorphShape :: MorphShape -> (Int32, Point2i)
  105 marshalMorphShape = \case
  106     MorphRect         -> (c'MORPH_RECT   , defaultAnchor)
  107     MorphEllipse      -> (c'MORPH_ELLIPSE, defaultAnchor)
  108     MorphCross anchor -> (c'MORPH_CROSS  , anchor)
  110 data MorphOperation
  111    = MorphOpen     -- ^ An opening operation: dilate . erode
  112    | MorphClose    -- ^ A closing operation: erode . dilate
  113    | MorphGradient -- ^ A morphological gradient: dilate - erode
  114    | MorphTopHat   -- ^ "top hat": src - open
  115    | MorphBlackHat -- ^ "black hat": close - src
  117 #num MORPH_OPEN
  118 #num MORPH_CLOSE
  120 #num MORPH_TOPHAT
  123 marshalMorphOperation :: MorphOperation -> Int32
  124 marshalMorphOperation = \case
  125     MorphOpen     -> c'MORPH_OPEN
  126     MorphClose    -> c'MORPH_CLOSE
  127     MorphGradient -> c'MORPH_GRADIENT
  128     MorphTopHat   -> c'MORPH_TOPHAT
  129     MorphBlackHat -> c'MORPH_BLACKHAT
  132 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  133 -- Image Filtering
  134 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  136 {- | Calculates the bilateralFilter of an image
  138 The function applies bilateral filtering to the input image, as described in
  139 < Bilateral_Filtering>
  140 bilateralFilter can reduce unwanted noise very well while keeping edges fairly sharp. However, it is very slow compared to most filters.
  141 Example:
  143 @
  144 bilateralFilterImg
  145     :: forall (width    :: Nat)
  146               (width2   :: Nat)
  147               (height   :: Nat)
  148               (channels :: Nat)
  149               (depth    :: *)
  150      . ( Mat (ShapeT [height, width]) ('S channels) ('S depth) ~ Kodak_512x341
  151        , width2 ~ ((*) width 2) -- TODO (RvD): HSE parse error with infix type operator
  152        )
  153     => Mat (ShapeT [height, width2]) ('S channels) ('S depth)
  154 bilateralFilterImg = exceptError $
  155     withMatM (Proxy :: Proxy [height, width2])
  156              (Proxy :: Proxy channels)
  157              (Proxy :: Proxy depth)
  158              white $ \imgM -> do
  159       birdsFiltered <- pureExcept $ bilateralFilter (Just 9) Nothing Nothing Nothing birds_512x341
  160       matCopyToM imgM (V2 0 0) birds_512x341 Nothing
  161       matCopyToM imgM (V2 w 0) birdsFiltered Nothing
  162   where
  163     w = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy width)
  164 @
  166 <<doc/generated/examples/bilateralFilterImg.png bilateralFilterImg>>
  168 < OpenCV Sphinx doc>
  169 -}
  170 bilateralFilter
  171     :: ( depth    `In` '[Word8, Float, Double]
  172        , channels `In` '[1, 3]
  173        -- , Length shape <= 2
  174        )
  175     => Maybe Int32
  176        -- ^ Diameter of each pixel neighborhood that is used during filtering.
  177        -- If it is non-positive, it is computed from sigmaSpace. Default value is 5.
  178     -> Maybe Double
  179        -- ^ Filter sigma in the color space. A larger value of the parameter means that farther colors within
  180        -- the pixel neighborhood (see sigmaSpace) will be mixed together, resulting in larger areas of semi-equal color.
  181        -- Default value is 50
  182     -> Maybe Double
  183        -- ^ Filter sigma in the coordinate space. A larger value of the parameter means that farther pixels will
  184        -- influence each other as long as their colors are close enough (see sigmaColor ). When d>0, it specifies
  185        -- the neighborhood size regardless of sigmaSpace. Otherwise, d is proportional to sigmaSpace.
  186        -- Default value is 50
  187     -> Maybe BorderMode
  188        -- ^ Pixel extrapolation method. Default value is BorderReflect101
  189     -> Mat shape ('S channels) ('S depth)
  190     -> CvExcept (Mat shape ('S channels) ('S depth))
  191 bilateralFilter d sigmaColor sigmaSpace borderType src = unsafeWrapException $ do
  192     dst <- newEmptyMat
  193     handleCvException (pure $ unsafeCoerceMat dst) $
  194       withPtr src $ \srcPtr ->
  195       withPtr dst $ \dstPtr ->
  196       [cvExcept|
  197         cv::bilateralFilter
  198         ( *$(Mat *   srcPtr      )
  199         , *$(Mat *   dstPtr      )
  200         ,  $(int32_t c'd         )
  201         ,  $(double  c'sigmaColor)
  202         ,  $(double  c'sigmaSpace)
  203         ,  $(int32_t c'borderType)
  204         );
  205       |]
  206   where
  207     c'd = fromMaybe 5 d
  208     c'sigmaColor = maybe 50 realToFrac sigmaColor
  209     c'sigmaSpace = maybe 50 realToFrac sigmaSpace
  210     c'borderType = fst $ marshalBorderMode $ fromMaybe BorderReflect101 borderType
  214 {- | Calculates the Laplacian of an image
  216 The function calculates the Laplacian of the source image by adding up
  217 the second x and y derivatives calculated using the Sobel operator.
  219 Example:
  221 @
  222 laplacianImg
  223     :: forall shape channels depth
  224      . (Mat shape channels depth ~ Kodak_512x341)
  225     => Mat shape ('S 1) ('S Double)
  226 laplacianImg = exceptError $ do
  227     imgG <- cvtColor bgr gray birds_512x341
  228     laplacian Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing imgG
  229 @
  231 <<doc/generated/examples/laplacianImg.png laplacianImg>>
  233 < OpenCV Sphinx doc>
  234 -}
  235 laplacian
  236     :: forall shape channels srcDepth dstDepth
  237      . (ToDepth (Proxy dstDepth))
  238     => Maybe Int32
  239        -- ^ Aperture size used to compute the second-derivative filters. The
  240        -- size must be positive and odd. Default value is 1.
  241     -> Maybe Double
  242        -- ^ Optional scale factor for the computed Laplacian values. Default
  243        -- value is 1.
  244     -> Maybe Double
  245        -- ^ Optional delta value that is added to the results. Default value is
  246        -- 0.
  247     -> Maybe BorderMode
  248        -- ^ Pixel extrapolation method.
  249     -> Mat shape channels srcDepth
  250     -> CvExcept (Mat shape channels ('S dstDepth))
  251 laplacian ksize scale delta borderType src = unsafeWrapException $ do
  252     dst <- newEmptyMat
  253     handleCvException (pure $ unsafeCoerceMat dst) $
  254       withPtr src $ \srcPtr ->
  255       withPtr dst $ \dstPtr ->
  256       [cvExcept|
  257         cv::Laplacian
  258         ( *$(Mat *   srcPtr      )
  259         , *$(Mat *   dstPtr      )
  260         ,  $(int32_t c'ddepth    )
  261         ,  $(int32_t c'ksize     )
  262         ,  $(double  c'scale     )
  263         ,  $(double  c'delta     )
  264         ,  $(int32_t c'borderType)
  265         );
  266       |]
  267   where
  268     c'ksize = fromMaybe 1 ksize
  269     c'scale = maybe 1 realToFrac scale
  270     c'delta = maybe 0 realToFrac delta
  271     c'ddepth = marshalDepth $ toDepth (Proxy :: Proxy dstDepth)
  272     c'borderType = fst $ marshalBorderMode $ fromMaybe BorderReflect101 borderType
  274 {- | Blurs an image using the median filter
  276 Example:
  278 @
  279 medianBlurImg
  280     :: forall (width    :: Nat)
  281               (width2   :: Nat)
  282               (height   :: Nat)
  283               (channels :: Nat)
  284               (depth    :: *)
  285      . ( Mat (ShapeT [height, width]) ('S channels) ('S depth) ~ Kodak_512x341
  286        , width2 ~ ((*) width 2) -- TODO (RvD): HSE parse error with infix type operator
  287        )
  288     => Mat (ShapeT [height, width2]) ('S channels) ('S depth)
  289 medianBlurImg = exceptError $
  290     withMatM (Proxy :: Proxy [height, width2])
  291              (Proxy :: Proxy channels)
  292              (Proxy :: Proxy depth)
  293              white $ \\imgM -> do
  294       birdsBlurred <- pureExcept $ medianBlur birds_512x341 13
  295       matCopyToM imgM (V2 0 0) birds_512x341 Nothing
  296       matCopyToM imgM (V2 w 0) birdsBlurred  Nothing
  297   where
  298     w = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy width)
  299 @
  301 <<doc/generated/examples/medianBlurImg.png medianBlurImg>>
  303 < OpenCV Sphinx doc>
  304 -}
  305 -- TODO (Rvd): make ksize a type level argument
  306 -- if ksize in [3, 5] then depth in [Word8, Int16, Float) else depth ~ Word8
  307 medianBlur
  308     :: ( depth    `In` '[Word8, Word16, Float]
  309        , channels `In` '[1, 3, 4]
  310        -- , Length shape <= 2
  311        )
  312     => Mat shape ('S channels) ('S depth)
  313        -- ^ Input 1-, 3-, or 4-channel image; when ksize is 3 or 5, the image
  314        -- depth should be 'Word8', 'Word16', or 'Float', for
  315        -- larger aperture sizes, it can only be 'Word8'.
  316     -> Int32
  317        -- ^ Aperture linear size; it must be odd and greater than 1, for
  318        -- example: 3, 5, 7...
  319     -> CvExcept (Mat shape ('S channels) ('S depth))
  320 medianBlur matIn ksize = unsafeWrapException $ do
  321     matOut <- newEmptyMat
  322     handleCvException (pure $ unsafeCoerceMat matOut) $
  323       withPtr matOut $ \matOutPtr ->
  324       withPtr matIn $ \matInPtr ->
  325         [cvExcept| cv::medianBlur(*$(Mat * matInPtr), *$(Mat * matOutPtr), $(int32_t ksize)); |]
  327 {- | Blurs an image using a box filter.
  329 Example:
  331 @
  332 boxBlurImg
  333     :: forall (width    :: Nat)
  334               (width2   :: Nat)
  335               (height   :: Nat)
  336               (channels :: Nat)
  337               (depth    :: *)
  338      . ( Mat (ShapeT [height, width]) ('S channels) ('S depth) ~ Kodak_512x341
  339        , width2 ~ ((*) width 2) -- TODO (RvD): HSE parse error with infix type operator
  340        )
  341     => Mat (ShapeT [height, width2]) ('S channels) ('S depth)
  342 boxBlurImg = exceptError $
  343     withMatM (Proxy :: Proxy [height, width2])
  344              (Proxy :: Proxy channels)
  345              (Proxy :: Proxy depth)
  346              white $ \\imgM -> do
  347       birdsBlurred <- pureExcept $ blur (V2 13 13 :: V2 Int32) birds_512x341
  348       matCopyToM imgM (V2 0 0) birds_512x341 Nothing
  349       matCopyToM imgM (V2 w 0) birdsBlurred  Nothing
  350   where
  351     w = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy width)
  352 @
  354 <<doc/generated/examples/boxBlurImg.png boxBlurImg>>
  356 < OpenCV Sphinx doc>
  357 -}
  358 blur
  359   :: ( depth `In` '[Word8, Word16, Int16, Float, Double]
  360      , IsSize  size  Int32
  361      )
  362   => size  Int32 -- ^ Blurring kernel size.
  363   -> Mat shape ('S channels) ('S depth)
  364   -> CvExcept (Mat shape ('S channels) ('S depth))
  365 blur size matIn =
  366   unsafeWrapException $
  367   do matOut <- newEmptyMat
  368      handleCvException (pure $ unsafeCoerceMat matOut) $
  369        withPtr ksize $ \ksizePtr ->
  370        withPtr matIn $ \matInPtr ->
  371        withPtr matOut $ \matOutPtr ->
  372        [cvExcept|
  373            cv::blur
  374            ( *$(Mat * matInPtr)
  375            , *$(Mat * matOutPtr)
  376            , *$(Size2i * ksizePtr)
  377            );
  378        |]
  379   where ksize :: Size2i
  380         ksize = toSize size
  382 gaussianBlur
  383   :: ( depth `In` '[Word8, Word16, Float, Double]
  384      , IsSize size Int32
  385      )
  386   => size Int32 -- ^ Blurring kernel size.
  387   -> Double -- ^ sigmaX
  388   -> Double -- ^ sigmaY
  389   -> Mat shape ('S channels) ('S depth)
  390   -> CvExcept (Mat shape ('S channels) ('S depth))
  391 gaussianBlur size sigmaX sigmaY matIn =
  392   unsafeWrapException $
  393   do matOut <- newEmptyMat
  394      handleCvException (pure $ unsafeCoerceMat matOut) $
  395        withPtr ksize $ \ksizePtr ->
  396        withPtr matIn $ \matInPtr ->
  397        withPtr matOut $ \matOutPtr ->
  398        [cvExcept|
  399            cv::GaussianBlur
  400            ( *$(Mat * matInPtr)
  401            , *$(Mat * matOutPtr)
  402            , *$(Size2i * ksizePtr)
  403            , $(double c'sigmaX)
  404            , $(double c'sigmaY)
  405            );
  406        |]
  407   where
  408     ksize :: Size2i
  409     ksize = toSize size
  411     c'sigmaX = realToFrac sigmaX
  412     c'sigmaY = realToFrac sigmaY
  414 {- | Erodes an image by using a specific structuring element
  416 Example:
  418 @
  419 erodeImg
  420     :: forall (width    :: Nat)
  421               (width2   :: Nat)
  422               (height   :: Nat)
  423               (channels :: Nat)
  424               (depth    :: *)
  425      . ( Mat (ShapeT [height, width]) ('S channels) ('S depth) ~ Lambda
  426        , width2 ~ ((*) width 2) -- TODO (RvD): HSE parse error with infix type operator
  427        )
  428     => Mat (ShapeT [height, width2]) ('S channels) ('S depth)
  429 erodeImg = exceptError $
  430     withMatM (Proxy :: Proxy [height, width2])
  431              (Proxy :: Proxy channels)
  432              (Proxy :: Proxy depth)
  433              white $ \\imgM -> do
  434       erodedLambda <-
  435         pureExcept $ erode lambda Nothing (Nothing :: Maybe Point2i) 5 BorderReplicate
  436       matCopyToM imgM (V2 0 0) lambda Nothing
  437       matCopyToM imgM (V2 w 0) erodedLambda Nothing
  438   where
  439     w = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy width)
  440 @
  442 <<doc/generated/examples/erodeImg.png erodeImg>>
  444 < OpenCV Sphinx doc>
  445 -}
  446 erode
  447     :: ( IsPoint2 point2 Int32
  448        , depth `In` [Word8, Word16, Int16, Float, Double]
  449        )
  450     => Mat shape channels ('S depth) -- ^ Input image.
  451     -> Maybe (Mat ('S [sh, sw]) ('S 1) ('S Word8))
  452        -- ^ Structuring element used for erosion. If `emptyMat` is
  453        -- used a @3x3@ rectangular structuring element is used. Kernel
  454        -- can be created using `getStructuringElement`.
  455     -> Maybe (point2 Int32) -- ^ anchor
  456     -> Int -- ^ iterations
  457     -> BorderMode
  458     -> CvExcept (Mat shape channels ('S depth))
  459 erode src mbKernel mbAnchor iterations borderMode = unsafeWrapException $ do
  460     dst <- newEmptyMat
  461     handleCvException (pure $ unsafeCoerceMat dst) $
  462       withPtr src    $ \srcPtr    ->
  463       withPtr dst    $ \dstPtr    ->
  464       withPtr kernel $ \kernelPtr ->
  465       withPtr anchor $ \anchorPtr ->
  466       withPtr borderValue $ \borderValuePtr ->
  467         [cvExcept|
  468           cv::erode
  469           ( *$(Mat     * srcPtr        )
  470           , *$(Mat     * dstPtr        )
  471           , *$(Mat     * kernelPtr     )
  472           , *$(Point2i * anchorPtr     )
  473           ,  $(int32_t   c'iterations  )
  474           ,  $(int32_t   c'borderType  )
  475           , *$(Scalar  * borderValuePtr)
  476           );
  477         |]
  478   where
  479     kernel :: Mat 'D 'D 'D
  480     kernel = maybe (relaxMat emptyMat) unsafeCoerceMat mbKernel
  482     anchor :: Point2i
  483     anchor = maybe defaultAnchor toPoint mbAnchor
  485     c'iterations = fromIntegral iterations
  486     (c'borderType, borderValue) = marshalBorderMode borderMode
  488 {- | Convolves an image with the kernel.
  490 Example:
  492 @
  493 filter2DImg
  494     :: forall (width    :: Nat)
  495               (width2   :: Nat)
  496               (height   :: Nat)
  497               (channels :: Nat)
  498               (depth    :: *)
  499      . ( Mat (ShapeT [height, width]) ('S channels) ('S depth) ~ Kodak_512x341
  500        , width2 ~ ((*) width 2) -- TODO (RvD): HSE parse error with infix type operator
  501        )
  502     => Mat (ShapeT [height, width2]) ('S channels) ('S depth)
  503 filter2DImg = exceptError $
  504     withMatM (Proxy :: Proxy [height, width2])
  505              (Proxy :: Proxy channels)
  506              (Proxy :: Proxy depth)
  507              white $ \\imgM -> do
  508       filteredBird <-
  509         pureExcept $ filter2D birds_512x341 kernel (Nothing :: Maybe Point2i) 0 BorderReplicate
  510       matCopyToM imgM (V2 0 0) birds_512x341 Nothing
  511       matCopyToM imgM (V2 w 0) filteredBird Nothing
  512   where
  513     w = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy width)
  514     kernel =
  515       exceptError $
  516       withMatM (Proxy :: Proxy [3, 3])
  517                (Proxy :: Proxy 1)
  518                (Proxy :: Proxy Double)
  519                black $ \\imgM -> do
  520         lift $ line imgM (V2 0 0 :: V2 Int32) (V2 0 0 :: V2 Int32) (V4 (-2) (-2) (-2) 1 :: V4 Double) 0 LineType_8 0
  521         lift $ line imgM (V2 1 0 :: V2 Int32) (V2 0 1 :: V2 Int32) (V4 (-1) (-1) (-1) 1 :: V4 Double) 0 LineType_8 0
  522         lift $ line imgM (V2 1 1 :: V2 Int32) (V2 1 1 :: V2 Int32) (V4   1    1    1  1 :: V4 Double) 0 LineType_8 0
  523         lift $ line imgM (V2 1 2 :: V2 Int32) (V2 2 1 :: V2 Int32) (V4   1    1    1  1 :: V4 Double) 0 LineType_8 0
  524         lift $ line imgM (V2 2 2 :: V2 Int32) (V2 2 2 :: V2 Int32) (V4   2    2    2  1 :: V4 Double) 0 LineType_8 0
  525 @
  527 <<doc/generated/examples/filter2DImg.png filter2DImg>>
  530 < OpenCV Sphinx doc>
  531 -}
  532 filter2D
  533     :: ( IsPoint2 point2 Int32
  534        , depth `In` [Word8, Word16, Int16, Float, Double]
  535        )
  536     => Mat shape channels ('S depth) -- ^ Input image.
  537     -> Mat ('S [sh, sw]) ('S 1) ('S Double)
  538        -- ^ convolution kernel (or rather a correlation kernel),
  539        -- a single-channel floating point matrix; if you want to
  540        -- apply different kernels to different channels, split the
  541        -- image into separate color planes using split and process
  542        -- them individually.
  543     -> Maybe (point2 Int32) -- ^ anchor
  544     -> Double -- ^ delta
  545     -> BorderMode
  546     -> CvExcept (Mat shape channels ('S depth))
  547 filter2D src kernel mbAnchor delta borderMode = unsafeWrapException $ do
  548     dst <- newEmptyMat
  549     handleCvException (pure $ unsafeCoerceMat dst) $
  550       withPtr src    $ \srcPtr    ->
  551       withPtr dst    $ \dstPtr    ->
  552       withPtr kernel $ \kernelPtr ->
  553       withPtr anchor $ \anchorPtr ->
  554         [cvExcept|
  555           cv::filter2D
  556           ( *$(Mat     * srcPtr        )
  557           , *$(Mat     * dstPtr        )
  558           , -1
  559           , *$(Mat     * kernelPtr     )
  560           , *$(Point2i * anchorPtr     )
  561           ,  $(double    c'delta       )
  562           ,  $(int32_t   c'borderType  )
  563           );
  564         |]
  565   where
  566     anchor :: Point2i
  567     anchor = maybe defaultAnchor toPoint mbAnchor
  569     c'delta = realToFrac delta
  570     (c'borderType, _) = marshalBorderMode borderMode
  572 {- | Dilates an image by using a specific structuring element
  574 Example:
  576 @
  577 dilateImg
  578     :: forall (width    :: Nat)
  579               (width2   :: Nat)
  580               (height   :: Nat)
  581               (channels :: Nat)
  582               (depth    :: *)
  583      . ( Mat (ShapeT [height, width]) ('S channels) ('S depth) ~ Lambda
  584        , width2 ~ ((*) width 2) -- TODO (RvD): HSE parse error with infix type operator
  585        )
  586     => Mat (ShapeT [height, width2]) ('S channels) ('S depth)
  587 dilateImg = exceptError $
  588     withMatM (Proxy :: Proxy [height, width2])
  589              (Proxy :: Proxy channels)
  590              (Proxy :: Proxy depth)
  591              white $ \\imgM -> do
  592       dilatedLambda <-
  593         pureExcept $ dilate lambda Nothing (Nothing :: Maybe Point2i) 3 BorderReplicate
  594       matCopyToM imgM (V2 0 0) lambda Nothing
  595       matCopyToM imgM (V2 w 0) dilatedLambda Nothing
  596   where
  597     w = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy width)
  598 @
  600 <<doc/generated/examples/dilateImg.png dilateImg>>
  603 < OpenCV Sphinx doc>
  604 -}
  605 dilate
  606     :: ( IsPoint2 point2 Int32
  607        , depth `In` [Word8, Word16, Int16, Float, Double]
  608        )
  609     => Mat shape channels ('S depth) -- ^ Input image.
  610     -> Maybe (Mat ('S [sh, sw]) ('S 1) ('S Word8))
  611        -- ^ Structuring element used for dilation. If `emptyMat` is
  612        -- used a @3x3@ rectangular structuring element is used. Kernel
  613        -- can be created using `getStructuringElement`.
  614     -> Maybe (point2 Int32) -- ^ anchor
  615     -> Int -- ^ iterations
  616     -> BorderMode
  617     -> CvExcept (Mat shape channels ('S depth))
  618 dilate src mbKernel mbAnchor iterations borderMode = unsafeWrapException $ do
  619     dst <- newEmptyMat
  620     handleCvException (pure $ unsafeCoerceMat dst) $
  621       withPtr src    $ \srcPtr    ->
  622       withPtr dst    $ \dstPtr    ->
  623       withPtr kernel $ \kernelPtr ->
  624       withPtr anchor $ \anchorPtr ->
  625       withPtr borderValue $ \borderValuePtr ->
  626         [cvExcept|
  627           cv::dilate
  628           ( *$(Mat     * srcPtr        )
  629           , *$(Mat     * dstPtr        )
  630           , *$(Mat     * kernelPtr     )
  631           , *$(Point2i * anchorPtr     )
  632           ,  $(int32_t   c'iterations  )
  633           ,  $(int32_t   c'borderType  )
  634           , *$(Scalar  * borderValuePtr)
  635           );
  636         |]
  637   where
  638     kernel :: Mat 'D 'D 'D
  639     kernel = maybe (relaxMat emptyMat) unsafeCoerceMat mbKernel
  641     anchor :: Point2i
  642     anchor = maybe defaultAnchor toPoint mbAnchor
  644     c'iterations = fromIntegral iterations
  645     (c'borderType, borderValue) = marshalBorderMode borderMode
  647 {- | Performs advanced morphological transformations
  649 < OpenCV Sphinx doc>
  650 -}
  651 morphologyEx
  652     :: ( IsPoint2 point2 Int32
  653        , depth `In` [Word8, Word16, Int16, Float, Double]
  654        )
  655      => Mat shape channels ('S depth) -- ^ Source image.
  656     -> MorphOperation -- ^ Type of a morphological operation.
  657     -> Mat 'D 'D 'D -- ^ Structuring element.
  658     -> Maybe (point2 Int32) -- ^ Anchor position with the kernel.
  659     -> Int -- ^ Number of times erosion and dilation are applied.
  660     -> BorderMode
  661     -> CvExcept (Mat shape channels ('S depth))
  662 morphologyEx src op kernel mbAnchor iterations borderMode = unsafeWrapException $ do
  663     dst <- newEmptyMat
  664     handleCvException (pure $ unsafeCoerceMat dst) $
  665       withPtr src    $ \srcPtr    ->
  666       withPtr dst    $ \dstPtr    ->
  667       withPtr kernel $ \kernelPtr ->
  668       withPtr anchor $ \anchorPtr ->
  669       withPtr borderValue $ \borderValuePtr ->
  670         [cvExcept|
  671           cv::morphologyEx
  672           ( *$(Mat     * srcPtr        )
  673           , *$(Mat     * dstPtr        )
  674           ,  $(int32_t   c'op          )
  675           , *$(Mat     * kernelPtr     )
  676           , *$(Point2i * anchorPtr     )
  677           ,  $(int32_t   c'iterations  )
  678           ,  $(int32_t   c'borderType  )
  679           , *$(Scalar  * borderValuePtr)
  680           );
  681         |]
  683   where
  684     c'op = marshalMorphOperation op
  686     anchor :: Point2i
  687     anchor = maybe defaultAnchor toPoint mbAnchor
  689     c'iterations = fromIntegral iterations
  690     (c'borderType, borderValue) = marshalBorderMode borderMode
  693 {- | Returns a structuring element of the specified size and shape for
  694 morphological operations
  696 Example:
  698 @
  699 type StructureImg = Mat (ShapeT [128, 128]) ('S 1) ('S Word8)
  701 structureImg :: MorphShape -> StructureImg
  702 structureImg shape = exceptError $ do
  703     mat <- getStructuringElement shape (Proxy :: Proxy 128) (Proxy :: Proxy 128)
  704     img <- matConvertTo (Just 255) Nothing mat
  705     bitwiseNot img
  707 morphRectImg :: StructureImg
  708 morphRectImg = structureImg MorphRect
  710 morphEllipseImg :: StructureImg
  711 morphEllipseImg = structureImg MorphEllipse
  713 morphCrossImg :: StructureImg
  714 morphCrossImg = structureImg $ MorphCross $ toPoint (pure (-1) :: V2 Int32)
  715 @
  717 <<doc/generated/examples/morphRectImg.png morphRectImg>>
  718 <<doc/generated/examples/morphEllipseImg.png morphEllipseImg>>
  719 <<doc/generated/examples/morphCrossImg.png morphCrossImg>>
  721 < OpenCV Sphinx doc>
  722 -}
  723 getStructuringElement
  724     :: (ToInt32 height, ToInt32 width)
  725     => MorphShape -- ^
  726     -> height
  727     -> width
  728     -> CvExcept (Mat (ShapeT (height ::: width ::: Z)) ('S 1) ('S Word8))
  729 getStructuringElement morphShape height width = unsafeWrapException $ do
  730     element <- newEmptyMat
  731     handleCvException (pure $ unsafeCoerceMat element) $
  732       withPtr ksize   $ \ksizePtr   ->
  733       withPtr anchor  $ \anchorPtr  ->
  734       withPtr element $ \elementPtr ->
  735        [cvExcept|
  736          *$(Mat * elementPtr) =
  737            cv::getStructuringElement
  738            ( $(int32_t c'morphShape)
  739            , *$(Size2i * ksizePtr)
  740            , *$(Point2i * anchorPtr)
  741            );
  742        |]
  743   where
  744     ksize :: Size2i
  745     ksize = toSize $ V2 (toInt32 width) (toInt32 height)
  746     (c'morphShape, anchor) = marshalMorphShape morphShape