never executed always true always false
    1 {-# language CPP #-}
    2 {-# language RankNTypes #-}
    3 {-# language QuasiQuotes #-}
    4 {-# language ConstraintKinds #-}
    5 {-# language TemplateHaskell #-}
    6 {-# language UndecidableInstances #-}
    8 #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
    9 {-# options_ghc -Wno-redundant-constraints #-}
   10 #endif
   12 {-# options_ghc -fno-warn-orphans #-}
   15 {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
   16 #endif
   18 module OpenCV.Internal.Core.Types.Mat
   19     ( -- * Matrix
   20       Mat(..)
   22     , typeCheckMat
   23     , relaxMat
   24     , coerceMat
   25     , unsafeCoerceMat
   27     , keepMatAliveDuring
   28     , newEmptyMat
   29     , newMat
   30     , withMatData
   31     , matElemAddress
   32     , mkMat
   33     , cloneMat
   35       -- * Mutable matrix
   36     , typeCheckMatM
   37     , relaxMatM
   38     , coerceMatM
   39     , unsafeCoerceMatM
   41     , mkMatM
   42     , createMat
   43     , withMatM
   44     , cloneMatM
   45     , deallocateMatM
   47       -- * Meta information
   48     , MatInfo(..)
   49     , matInfo
   51     , dimPositions
   53     , Depth(..)
   54     , marshalDepth
   55     , unmarshalDepth
   56     , marshalFlags
   57     , unmarshalFlags
   59     , ShapeT
   60     , ChannelsT
   61     , DepthT
   62     , StaticDepthT
   64     , ToShape(toShape)
   65     , ToShapeDS(toShapeDS)
   66     , ToChannels, toChannels
   67     , ToChannelsDS, toChannelsDS
   68     , ToDepth(toDepth)
   69     , ToDepthDS(toDepthDS)
   70     ) where
   72 import "base" Control.Exception ( throwIO )
   73 import "base" Control.Monad.ST ( ST )
   74 import "base" Data.Int
   75 import "base" Data.Maybe
   76 import "base" Data.Monoid ( (<>) )
   77 import "base" Data.Proxy
   78 import "base" Data.Word
   79 import "base" Foreign.C.Types
   80 import "base" Foreign.ForeignPtr ( ForeignPtr, withForeignPtr, touchForeignPtr )
   81 import "base" Foreign.Marshal.Alloc ( alloca )
   82 import "base" Foreign.Marshal.Array ( allocaArray, peekArray )
   83 import "base" Foreign.Ptr ( Ptr, plusPtr )
   84 import "base" Foreign.Storable ( Storable(..), peek )
   85 import "base" GHC.TypeLits
   86 import "base" System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )
   87 import "base" Unsafe.Coerce ( unsafeCoerce )
   88 import qualified "inline-c" Language.C.Inline as C
   89 import qualified "inline-c" Language.C.Inline.Unsafe as CU
   90 import qualified "inline-c-cpp" Language.C.Inline.Cpp as C
   91 import "primitive" Control.Monad.Primitive ( PrimMonad, PrimState, unsafePrimToPrim )
   92 import "this" OpenCV.Internal
   93 import "this" OpenCV.Internal.C.Inline ( openCvCtx )
   94 import "this" OpenCV.Internal.C.Types
   95 import "this" OpenCV.Internal.C.PlacementNew.TH
   96 import "this" OpenCV.Internal.Core.Types
   97 import "this" OpenCV.Internal.Core.Types.Mat.Depth
   98 import "this" OpenCV.Internal.Core.Types.Mat.Marshal
   99 import "this" OpenCV.Internal.Exception
  100 import "this" OpenCV.Internal.Mutable
  101 import "this" OpenCV.TypeLevel
  102 import "transformers" Control.Monad.Trans.Except
  103 import qualified "vector" Data.Vector as V
  104 import qualified "vector" Data.Vector.Generic as VG
  106 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  108 C.context openCvCtx
  110 C.include "opencv2/core.hpp"
  111 C.using "namespace cv"
  113 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  114 -- Matrix
  115 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  117 newtype Mat (shape    :: DS [DS Nat])
  118             (channels :: DS Nat)
  119             (depth    :: DS *)
  120       = Mat {unMat :: ForeignPtr (C (Mat shape channels depth))}
  122 type instance C (Mat shape channels depth) = C'Mat
  124 type instance Mutable (Mat shape channels depth) = Mut (Mat shape channels depth)
  126 instance WithPtr (Mat shape channels depth) where
  127     withPtr = withForeignPtr . unMat
  129 instance FromPtr (Mat shape channels depth) where
  130     fromPtr = objFromPtr Mat $ \ptr ->
  131                 [CU.exp| void { delete $(Mat * ptr) }|]
  133 instance FreezeThaw (Mat shape channels depth) where
  134     freeze = cloneMatM . unMut
  135     thaw = fmap Mut . cloneMatM
  137     unsafeFreeze = pure . unMut
  138     unsafeThaw = pure . Mut
  140 {- | Tests whether a 'Mat' is deserving of its type level attributes
  142 Checks if the properties encoded in the type of a 'Mat' correspond to
  143 the value level representation. For each property that does not hold
  144 this function will produce an error message. If everything checks out
  145 it will produce an empty list.
  147 The following properties are checked:
  149  * Dimensionality
  150  * Size of each dimension
  151  * Number of channels
  152  * Depth (data type of elements)
  154 If a property is explicitly encoded as statically unknown ('D'ynamic)
  155 it will not be checked.
  156 -}
  157 typeCheckMat
  158     :: forall shape channels depth
  159      . ( ToShapeDS    (Proxy shape)
  160        , ToChannelsDS (Proxy channels)
  161        , ToDepthDS    (Proxy depth)
  162        )
  163     => Mat shape channels depth -- ^ The matrix to be checked.
  164     -> [CoerceMatError] -- ^ Error messages.
  165 typeCheckMat mat =
  166        fromMaybe [] (checkShape <$> dsToMaybe dsExpectedShape)
  167     <> maybeToList (dsToMaybe dsExpectedNumChannels >>= checkNumChannels)
  168     <> maybeToList (dsToMaybe dsExpectedDepth >>= checkDepth)
  169   where
  170     mi = matInfo mat
  172     dsExpectedShape :: DS [DS Int32]
  173     dsExpectedShape = toShapeDS (Proxy :: Proxy shape)
  175     dsExpectedNumChannels :: DS Int32
  176     dsExpectedNumChannels = toChannelsDS (Proxy :: Proxy channels)
  178     dsExpectedDepth :: DS Depth
  179     dsExpectedDepth = toDepthDS (Proxy :: Proxy depth)
  181     checkShape :: [DS Int32] -> [CoerceMatError]
  182     checkShape expectedShape = maybe checkSizes (:[]) dimCheck
  183       where
  184         dimCheck :: Maybe CoerceMatError
  185         dimCheck | expectedDim == actualDim = Nothing
  186                  | otherwise = Just $ ShapeError $ ExpectationError expectedDim actualDim
  187           where
  188             expectedDim = length expectedShape
  189             actualDim = length (miShape mi)
  191         checkSizes :: [CoerceMatError]
  192         checkSizes = catMaybes $ zipWith3 checkSize [1..] expectedShape (miShape mi)
  193           where
  194             checkSize :: Int -> DS Int32 -> Int32 -> Maybe CoerceMatError
  195             checkSize dimIx dsExpected actual = dsToMaybe dsExpected >>= \expected ->
  196                 if expected == actual
  197                 then Nothing
  198                 else Just $ SizeError dimIx
  199                           $ fromIntegral
  200                             <$> ExpectationError expected actual
  202     checkNumChannels :: Int32 -> Maybe CoerceMatError
  203     checkNumChannels expectedNumChannels
  204         | miChannels mi == expectedNumChannels = Nothing
  205         | otherwise = Just $ ChannelError
  206                            $ fromIntegral
  207                              <$> ExpectationError expectedNumChannels (miChannels mi)
  209     checkDepth :: Depth -> Maybe CoerceMatError
  210     checkDepth expectedDepth
  211         | miDepth mi == expectedDepth = Nothing
  212         | otherwise = Just $ DepthError
  213                            $ ExpectationError expectedDepth (miDepth mi)
  215 -- | Relaxes the type level constraints
  216 --
  217 -- Only identical or looser constraints are allowed. For tighter
  218 -- constraints use 'coerceMat'.
  219 --
  220 -- This allows you to \'forget\' type level guarantees for zero
  221 -- cost. Similar to 'unsafeCoerceMat', but totally safe.
  222 --
  223 -- [Identical] @a@ to @b@ with @a ~ b@
  224 -- [Looser]  @(\''S' a)@ to @\''D'@ or @(\''S' a)@ to @(\''S' b)@ with @'MayRelax' a b@
  225 -- [Tighter] @\''D'@ to @(\''S' a)@
  226 relaxMat
  227     :: ( MayRelax shapeIn    shapeOut
  228        , MayRelax channelsIn channelsOut
  229        , MayRelax depthIn    depthOut
  230        )
  231     => Mat shapeIn  channelsIn  depthIn  -- ^ Original 'Mat'.
  232     -> Mat shapeOut channelsOut depthOut -- ^ 'Mat' with relaxed constraints.
  233 relaxMat = unsafeCoerce
  235 coerceMat
  236     :: ( ToShapeDS    (Proxy shapeOut)
  237        , ToChannelsDS (Proxy channelsOut)
  238        , ToDepthDS    (Proxy depthOut)
  239        )
  240     => Mat shapeIn channelsIn depthIn -- ^
  241     -> CvExcept (Mat shapeOut channelsOut depthOut)
  242 coerceMat matIn | null errors = pure matOut
  243                 | otherwise   = throwE $ CoerceMatError errors
  244   where
  245     matOut = unsafeCoerceMat matIn
  246     errors = typeCheckMat matOut
  248 unsafeCoerceMat
  249     :: Mat shapeIn  channelsIn  depthIn
  250     -> Mat shapeOut channelsOut depthOut
  251 unsafeCoerceMat = unsafeCoerce
  253 -- | Similar to 'withPtr' in that it keeps the 'ForeignPtr' alive
  254 -- during the execution of the given action but it doesn't extract the 'Ptr'
  255 -- from the 'ForeignPtr'.
  256 keepMatAliveDuring :: Mat shape channels depth -> IO a -> IO a
  257 keepMatAliveDuring mat m = do
  258     x <- m
  259     touchForeignPtr $ unMat mat
  260     pure x
  262 newEmptyMat :: IO (Mat ('S '[]) ('S 1) ('S Word8))
  263 newEmptyMat = unsafeCoerceMat <$> fromPtr [CU.exp|Mat * { new Mat() }|]
  265 -- TODO (RvD): what happens if we construct a mat with more than 4 channels?
  266 -- A scalar is just 4 values. What would be the default value of the 5th channel?
  267 newMat
  268     :: ( ToShape    shape
  269        , ToChannels channels
  270        , ToDepth    depth
  271        , ToScalar   scalar
  272        -- , MinLengthDS 2 shape
  273        -- , 1 .<=? channels
  274        -- , channels .<=? 512
  275        -- , 2 <= Length shape
  276        -- , 1 <= channels
  277        -- , channels <= 512
  278        )
  279     => shape -- ^
  280     -> channels
  281     -> depth
  282     -> scalar
  283     -> CvExceptT IO (Mat (ShapeT shape) (ChannelsT channels) (DepthT depth))
  284 newMat shape channels depth defValue = ExceptT $ do
  285     dst <- newEmptyMat
  286     handleCvException (pure $ unsafeCoerceMat dst) $
  287       withVector shape' $ \shapePtr ->
  288       withPtr (toScalar defValue) $ \scalarPtr ->
  289       withPtr dst $ \dstPtr ->
  290         [cvExcept|
  291           *$(Mat * dstPtr) =
  292             Mat( $(int32_t c'ndims)
  293                , $(int32_t * shapePtr)
  294                , $(int32_t c'type)
  295                , *$(Scalar * scalarPtr)
  296                );
  297         |]
  298   where
  299     c'ndims = fromIntegral $ VG.length shape'
  300     c'type  = marshalFlags depth' channels'
  302     shape'    = toShape shape
  303     channels' = toChannels channels
  304     depth'    = toDepth depth
  306 -- TODO (BvD): Move to some Utility module.
  307 withVector
  308     :: (VG.Vector v a, Storable a)
  309     => v a -- ^
  310     -> (Ptr a -> IO b)
  311     -> IO b
  312 withVector v f =
  313     allocaArray n $ \ptr ->
  314       let go !ix
  315               | ix < n = do
  316                   pokeElemOff ptr ix (VG.unsafeIndex v ix)
  317                   go (ix+1)
  318               | otherwise = f ptr
  319       in go 0
  320   where
  321     n = VG.length v
  323 withMatData
  324     :: Mat shape channels depth -- ^
  325     -> ([CSize] -> Ptr Word8 -> IO a)
  326     -> IO a
  327 withMatData mat f = withPtr mat $ \matPtr ->
  328     alloca $ \(dimsPtr  :: Ptr Int32      ) ->
  329     alloca $ \(stepPtr2 :: Ptr (Ptr CSize)) ->
  330     alloca $ \(dataPtr2 :: Ptr (Ptr Word8)) -> do
  331       [CU.block|void {
  332         const Mat * const matPtr = $(Mat * matPtr);
  333         *$(int32_t *   const dimsPtr ) = matPtr->dims;
  334         *$(size_t  * * const stepPtr2) = matPtr->step.p;
  335         *$(uint8_t * * const dataPtr2) = matPtr->data;
  336       }|]
  337       dims    <- peek dimsPtr
  338       stepPtr <- peek stepPtr2
  339       dataPtr <- peek dataPtr2
  340       step    <- peekArray (fromIntegral dims) stepPtr
  341       f step dataPtr
  343 matElemAddress :: Ptr Word8 -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Ptr a
  344 matElemAddress dataPtr step pos = dataPtr `plusPtr` offset
  345     where
  346       offset = sum $ zipWith (*) step pos
  348 -- TODO (RvD): check for negative sizes
  349 -- This crashes OpenCV
  350 mkMat
  351     :: ( ToShape    shape
  352        , ToChannels channels
  353        , ToDepth    depth
  354        , ToScalar   scalar
  355        )
  356     => shape    -- ^
  357     -> channels -- ^
  358     -> depth    -- ^
  359     -> scalar   -- ^
  360     -> CvExcept (Mat (ShapeT shape) (ChannelsT channels) (DepthT depth))
  361 mkMat shape channels depth defValue =
  362     unsafeCvExcept $ newMat shape channels depth defValue
  364 cloneMat :: Mat shape channels depth
  365          -> Mat shape channels depth
  366 cloneMat = unsafePerformIO . cloneMatIO
  368 cloneMatIO :: Mat shape channels depth
  369            -> IO (Mat shape channels depth)
  370 cloneMatIO mat =
  371     fmap unsafeCoerceMat $ fromPtr $ withPtr mat $ \matPtr ->
  372       [C.exp|Mat * { new Mat($(Mat * matPtr)->clone()) }|]
  374 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  375 -- Mutable matrix
  376 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  378 typeCheckMatM
  379     :: forall shape channels depth s
  380      . ( ToShapeDS    (Proxy shape)
  381        , ToChannelsDS (Proxy channels)
  382        , ToDepthDS    (Proxy depth)
  383        )
  384     => Mut (Mat shape channels depth) s -- ^ The matrix to be checked.
  385     -> [CoerceMatError] -- ^ Error messages.
  386 typeCheckMatM = typeCheckMat . unMut
  388 relaxMatM
  389     :: ( MayRelax shapeIn    shapeOut
  390        , MayRelax channelsIn channelsOut
  391        , MayRelax depthIn    depthOut
  392        )
  393     => Mut (Mat shapeIn  channelsIn  depthIn ) s -- ^ Original 'Mat'.
  394     -> Mut (Mat shapeOut channelsOut depthOut) s -- ^ 'Mat' with relaxed constraints.
  395 relaxMatM = unsafeCoerce
  397 coerceMatM
  398     :: ( ToShapeDS    (Proxy shapeOut)
  399        , ToChannelsDS (Proxy channelsOut)
  400        , ToDepthDS    (Proxy depthOut)
  401        )
  402     => Mut (Mat shapeIn channelsIn depthIn) s -- ^
  403     -> CvExcept (Mut (Mat shapeOut channelsOut depthOut) s)
  404 coerceMatM = fmap Mut . coerceMat . unMut
  406 unsafeCoerceMatM
  407     :: Mut (Mat shapeIn  channelsIn  depthIn ) s
  408     -> Mut (Mat shapeOut channelsOut depthOut) s
  409 unsafeCoerceMatM = unsafeCoerce
  411 -- TODO (RvD): check for negative sizes
  412 -- This crashes OpenCV
  413 mkMatM
  414     :: ( PrimMonad m
  415        , ToShape    shape
  416        , ToChannels channels
  417        , ToDepth    depth
  418        , ToScalar   scalar
  419        )
  420     => shape    -- ^
  421     -> channels -- ^
  422     -> depth    -- ^
  423     -> scalar   -- ^
  424     -> CvExceptT m (Mut (Mat (ShapeT shape) (ChannelsT channels) (DepthT depth)) (PrimState m))
  425 mkMatM shape channels depth defValue = do
  426     mat <- mapExceptT unsafePrimToPrim $ newMat shape channels depth defValue
  427     unsafeThaw mat
  429 createMat
  430     :: (forall s. CvExceptT (ST s) (Mut (Mat shape channels depth) s)) -- ^
  431     -> CvExcept (Mat shape channels depth)
  432 createMat mk = runCvExceptST $ unsafeFreeze =<< mk
  434 withMatM
  435     :: ( ToShape    shape
  436        , ToChannels channels
  437        , ToDepth    depth
  438        , ToScalar   scalar
  439        )
  440     => shape    -- ^
  441     -> channels -- ^
  442     -> depth    -- ^
  443     -> scalar   -- ^
  444     -> (  forall s
  445        .  Mut (Mat (ShapeT shape) (ChannelsT channels) (DepthT depth)) (PrimState (ST s))
  446        -> CvExceptT (ST s) ()
  447        )
  448     -> CvExcept (Mat (ShapeT shape) (ChannelsT channels) (DepthT depth))
  449 withMatM shape channels depth defValue f = createMat $ do
  450     matM <- mkMatM shape channels depth defValue
  451     f matM
  452     pure matM
  454 cloneMatM :: (PrimMonad m)
  455           => Mat shape channels depth
  456           -> m (Mat shape channels depth)
  457 cloneMatM = unsafePrimToPrim . cloneMatIO
  459 -- | Deallocates the matrix data.
  460 --
  461 -- Highly unsafe. Subsequent operations that need the data will
  462 -- generate exceptions (or segfaults).
  463 deallocateMatM
  464     :: (PrimMonad m)
  465     => Mut (Mat shape channels depth) (PrimState m)
  466     -> m ()
  467 deallocateMatM mutMat = unsafePrimToPrim $ do
  468     e <- handleCvException (pure ()) $
  469            withPtr mutMat $ \mutMatPtr ->
  470              [cvExcept| $(Mat * mutMatPtr)->deallocate(); |]
  471     either throwIO pure e
  473 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  474 -- Meta information
  475 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  477 data MatInfo
  478    = MatInfo
  479      { miShape    :: ![Int32]
  480      , miDepth    :: !Depth
  481      , miChannels :: !Int32
  482      } deriving (Show, Eq)
  484 matInfo :: Mat shape channels depth -> MatInfo
  485 matInfo mat = unsafePerformIO $
  486     withPtr mat $ \matPtr ->
  487     alloca $ \(flagsPtr :: Ptr Int32) ->
  488     alloca $ \(dimsPtr  :: Ptr Int32) ->
  489     alloca $ \(sizePtr  :: Ptr (Ptr Int32)) -> do
  490       [CU.block|void {
  491         const Mat * const matPtr = $(Mat * matPtr);
  492         *$(int32_t *   const flagsPtr) = matPtr->flags;
  493         *$(int32_t *   const dimsPtr ) = matPtr->dims;
  494         *$(int32_t * * const sizePtr ) = matPtr->size.p;
  495       }|]
  496       (depth, channels) <- unmarshalFlags <$> peek flagsPtr
  497       dims <- peek dimsPtr
  498       size <- peek sizePtr
  499       shape <- peekArray (fromIntegral dims) size
  500       pure MatInfo
  501            { miShape    = shape
  502            , miDepth    = depth
  503            , miChannels = channels
  504            }
  506 -- | All possible positions (indexes) for a given shape (list of
  507 -- sizes per dimension).
  508 --
  509 -- @
  510 -- dimPositions [3, 4]
  511 -- [ [0, 0], [0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 3]
  512 -- , [1, 0], [1, 1], [1, 2], [1, 3]
  513 -- , [2, 0], [2, 1], [2, 2], [2, 3]
  514 -- ]
  515 -- @
  516 dimPositions :: (Num a, Enum a) => [a] -> [[a]]
  517 dimPositions = traverse (enumFromTo 0 . pred)
  519 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  521 type family ShapeT (a :: ka) :: DS [DS Nat] where
  522     ShapeT [Int32]          = 'D
  523     ShapeT (V.Vector Int32) = 'D
  524     ShapeT (x ::: xs)       = 'S (DSNats (x ::: xs))
  525     ShapeT (xs :: [Nat])    = 'S (DSNats xs)
  526     ShapeT (Proxy a)        = ShapeT a
  528 type ChannelsT a = DSNat a
  530 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  532 class ToShape a where
  533     toShape :: a -> V.Vector Int32
  535 -- | identity
  536 instance ToShape (V.Vector Int32) where
  537     toShape = id
  539 -- | direct conversion to 'V.Vector'
  540 instance ToShape [Int32] where
  541     toShape = V.fromList
  543 -- | empty 'V.Vector'
  544 instance ToShape (Proxy '[]) where
  545     toShape _proxy = V.empty
  547 -- | fold over the type level list
  548 instance (ToInt32 (Proxy a), ToShape (Proxy as))
  549       => ToShape (Proxy (a ': as)) where
  550     toShape _proxy =
  551         V.cons
  552           (toInt32 (Proxy :: Proxy a))
  553           (toShape (Proxy :: Proxy as))
  555 -- | empty 'V.Vector'
  556 instance ToShape Z where
  557     toShape Z = V.empty
  559 -- | fold over ':::'
  560 instance (ToInt32 a, ToShape as) => ToShape (a ::: as) where
  561     toShape (a ::: as) = V.cons (toInt32 a) (toShape as)
  563 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  565 class ToShapeDS a where
  566     toShapeDS :: a -> DS [DS Int32]
  568 instance ToShapeDS (proxy 'D) where
  569     toShapeDS _proxy = D
  571 instance (ToNatListDS (Proxy as)) => ToShapeDS (Proxy ('S as)) where
  572     toShapeDS _proxy = S $ toNatListDS (Proxy :: Proxy as)
  574 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  576 type ToChannels a = ToInt32 a
  578 toChannels :: (ToInt32 a) => a -> Int32
  579 toChannels = toInt32
  581 type ToChannelsDS a = ToNatDS a
  583 toChannelsDS :: (ToChannelsDS a) => a -> DS Int32
  584 toChannelsDS = toNatDS
  586 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  588 mkPlacementNewInstance ''Mat