never executed always true always false
    1 {-# language DataKinds #-}
    2 {-# language Rank2Types #-}
    3 {-# language TypeFamilies #-}
    4 {-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
    5 {-# language FlexibleContexts #-}
    6 {-# language ViewPatterns #-}
    7 {-# language ExistentialQuantification #-}
    9 -- TODO (basvandijk): upstream the Storable instances to JuicyPixels!
   10 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
   12 -- | A thin JuicyPixels layer.
   13 module OpenCV.Juicy
   14   ( -- * Types
   15     Mat2D
   16   , Filter
   17   , PixelChannels
   18   , PixelDepth
   20     -- * Low level API
   21   , fromImage
   22   , toImage
   24     -- * High level API
   25   , isoJuicy
   26   ) where
   28 import "base" GHC.TypeLits (Nat,KnownNat)
   29 import "base" Data.Proxy (Proxy (Proxy))
   30 import "base" Foreign.Storable (Storable (..))
   31 import "base" Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, plusPtr)
   32 import "base" System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
   33 import "base" Data.Word (Word8,Word16)
   34 import "base" Data.Int (Int32)
   35 import "base" Control.Monad (forM_)
   36 import "primitive" Control.Monad.Primitive (PrimMonad)
   37 import "linear" Linear.V4 (V4)
   38 import "this" OpenCV
   39 import "this" OpenCV.Unsafe (unsafeRead, unsafeWrite)
   40 import "JuicyPixels" Codec.Picture.Types
   42 -- list of pointers at a given byte distance from a base one
   43 plusPtrS :: Ptr a -> Int -> [Ptr b]
   44 plusPtrS p n = map (plusPtr p) [0..n-1]
   46 -- multiple peek
   47 peekS :: Storable b => Ptr a -> Int -> IO [b]
   48 peekS p n = mapM peek (plusPtrS p n)
   50 -- multiple poke
   51 pokeS :: Storable a => Ptr a1 -> Int -> [a] -> IO ()
   52 pokeS p n xs = sequence_ (zipWith poke (plusPtrS p n) xs)
   54 instance Storable PixelRGB8 where
   55     peek p =  peekS p 3 >>= \[b,r,g] -> return (PixelRGB8 r g b)
   56     poke p (PixelRGB8 r g b) = pokeS p 3 [b,g,r]
   57     sizeOf _ = 3
   58     alignment _ = 0
   60 instance Storable PixelRGB16 where
   61     peek p =  peekS p 3 >>= \[b,r,g] -> return (PixelRGB16 r g b)
   62     poke p (PixelRGB16 r g b) = pokeS p 3 [b,g,r]
   63     sizeOf _ = 3
   64     alignment _ = 0
   66 instance Storable PixelRGBF where
   67     peek p =  peekS p 3 >>= \[b,r,g] -> return (PixelRGBF r g b)
   68     poke p (PixelRGBF r g b) = pokeS p 3 [b,g,r]
   69     sizeOf _ = 3
   70     alignment _ = 0
   72 instance Storable PixelRGBA8 where
   73     peek p =  peekS p 4 >>= \[b,r,g,a] -> return (PixelRGBA8 r g b a)
   74     poke p (PixelRGBA8 r g b a) = pokeS p 4 [b,g,r,a]
   75     sizeOf _ = 4
   76     alignment _ = 0
   78 instance Storable PixelRGBA16 where
   79     peek p =  peekS p 4 >>= \[b,r,g,a] -> return (PixelRGBA16 r g b a)
   80     poke p (PixelRGBA16 r g b a) = pokeS p 4 [b,g,r,a]
   81     sizeOf _ = 4
   82     alignment _ = 0
   84 instance Storable PixelYA8 where
   85     peek p =  peekS p 2 >>= \[b,g] -> return (PixelYA8 b g)
   86     poke p (PixelYA8 b g) = pokeS p 2 [b,g]
   87     sizeOf _ = 2
   88     alignment _ = 0
   90 instance Storable PixelYA16 where
   91     peek p =  peekS p 2 >>= \[b,g] -> return (PixelYA16 b g)
   92     poke p (PixelYA16 b g) = pokeS p 2 [b,g]
   93     sizeOf _ = 2
   94     alignment _ = 0
   96 -- | map Pixel types to a depth
   97 type family PixelDepth a
   99 -- | map Pixel types to a number of channels
  100 type family PixelChannels a :: Nat
  102 type instance PixelDepth Pixel8      = Word8
  103 type instance PixelDepth Pixel16     = Word16
  104 type instance PixelDepth PixelF      = Float
  105 type instance PixelDepth PixelYA8    = Word8
  106 type instance PixelDepth PixelYA16   = Word16
  107 type instance PixelDepth PixelRGB8   = Word8
  108 type instance PixelDepth PixelRGB16  = Word16
  109 type instance PixelDepth PixelRGBF   = Float
  110 type instance PixelDepth PixelRGBA8  = Word8
  111 type instance PixelDepth PixelRGBA16 = Word16
  112 type instance PixelDepth PixelYCbCr8 = Word8
  113 type instance PixelDepth PixelCMYK8  = Word8
  114 type instance PixelDepth PixelCMYK16 = Word16
  116 type instance PixelChannels Pixel8      = 1
  117 type instance PixelChannels Pixel16     = 1
  118 type instance PixelChannels PixelF      = 1
  119 type instance PixelChannels PixelYA8    = 2
  120 type instance PixelChannels PixelYA16   = 2
  121 type instance PixelChannels PixelRGB8   = 3
  122 type instance PixelChannels PixelRGB16  = 3
  123 type instance PixelChannels PixelRGBF   = 3
  124 type instance PixelChannels PixelRGBA8  = 4
  125 type instance PixelChannels PixelRGBA16 = 4
  126 type instance PixelChannels PixelYCbCr8 = 3
  127 type instance PixelChannels PixelCMYK8  = 4
  128 type instance PixelChannels PixelCMYK16 = 4
  130 -- | An OpenCV bidimensional matrix
  131 type Mat2D h w channels depth = Mat ('S '[h,w]) channels depth
  133 {- | Compute an OpenCV 2D-matrix from a JuicyPixels image.
  135 Example:
  137 @
  138 fromImageImg :: IO (Mat ('S '[ 'D, 'D]) ('S 3) ('S Word8))
  139 fromImageImg = do
  140     r <- Codec.Picture.readImage "data/Lenna.png"
  141     case r of
  142       Left err -> error err
  143       Right (Codec.Picture.ImageRGB8 img) -> pure $ OpenCV.Juicy.fromImage img
  144       Right _ -> error "Unhandled JuicyPixels format!"
  145 @
  147 <<doc/generated/examples/fromImageImg.png fromImageImg>>
  148 -}
  149 fromImage
  150     :: forall a c d
  151      . ( ToDepth (Proxy d)
  152        , KnownNat c
  153        , Pixel a
  154        , Storable a
  155        , c ~ PixelChannels a
  156        , d ~ PixelDepth a
  157        )
  158     => Image a -- ^ JuicyPixels image
  159     -> Mat2D 'D 'D ('S c) ('S d)
  160 fromImage i@(Image w h _data) = exceptError $ withMatM
  161     (fi h ::: fi w ::: Z)
  162     (Proxy :: Proxy c)
  163     (Proxy :: Proxy d)
  164     (pure 0 :: V4 Double) $ \m ->
  165       forM_ ((,) <$> [0 .. h - 1] <*> [0 .. w - 1]) $ \(x,y) ->
  166         unsafeWrite m [y,x] 0 (pixelAt i x y)
  167   where
  168     fi :: Int -> Int32
  169     fi = fromIntegral
  171 {- | Compute a JuicyPixels image from an OpenCV 2D-matrix
  173 FIXME: There's a bug in the colour conversions in the example:
  175 Example:
  177 @
  178 toImageImg :: IO (Mat ('S '[ 'D, 'D]) ('S 3) ('S Word8))
  179 toImageImg = exceptError . cvtColor rgb bgr . from . to . exceptError . cvtColor bgr rgb \<$> fromImageImg
  180   where
  181     to :: OpenCV.Juicy.Mat2D 'D 'D ('S 3) ('S Word8) -> Codec.Picture.Image Codec.Picture.PixelRGB8
  182     to = OpenCV.Juicy.toImage
  184     from :: Codec.Picture.Image Codec.Picture.PixelRGB8 -> OpenCV.Juicy.Mat2D 'D 'D ('S 3) ('S Word8)
  185     from = OpenCV.Juicy.fromImage
  186 @
  188 <<doc/generated/examples/toImageImg.png toImageImg>>
  189 -}
  190 toImage
  191     :: forall a c d h w.
  192        ( KnownNat c
  193        , Pixel a
  194        , Storable a
  195        , c ~ PixelChannels a
  196        , d ~ PixelDepth a
  197        )
  198     => Mat2D h w ('S c) ('S d)  -- ^ OpenCV 2D-matrix
  199     -> Image a
  200 toImage m  = unsafePerformIO $ do
  201     mat <- unsafeThaw m
  202     withImage w h $ \x y -> unsafeRead mat [y, x] 0
  203   where
  204     MatInfo [fromIntegral -> h, fromIntegral -> w] _ _  = matInfo m
  206 -- | An OpenCV 2D-filter preserving the matrix type
  207 type Filter m h w c d = Mat2D h w c d -> CvExceptT m (Mat2D h w c d)
  209 -- | Apply an OpenCV 2D-filter to a JuicyPixels dynamic matrix,
  210 -- preserving the Juicy pixel encoding
  211 isoJuicy
  212     :: forall m. (PrimMonad m)
  213     => (forall c d h w. Filter m h w c d) -- ^ OpenCV 2D-filter
  214     -> DynamicImage -- ^ JuicyPixels dynamic image
  215     -> CvExceptT m DynamicImage
  216 isoJuicy f (ImageRGB8 i)    =  ImageRGB8    <$> isoApply f i
  217 isoJuicy f (ImageRGB16 i)   =  ImageRGB16   <$> isoApply f i
  218 isoJuicy f (ImageRGBF i)    =  ImageRGBF    <$> isoApply f i
  219 isoJuicy f (ImageY8 i)      =  ImageY8      <$> isoApply f i
  220 isoJuicy f (ImageY16 i)     =  ImageY16     <$> isoApply f i
  221 isoJuicy f (ImageRGBA8 i)   =  ImageRGBA8   <$> isoApply f i
  222 isoJuicy f (ImageRGBA16 i)  =  ImageRGBA16  <$> isoApply f i
  223 isoJuicy _ _                =  error
  224     "Unhandled conversion from DynamicImage to Mat"
  226 isoApply
  227     :: forall f inPixel outPixel
  228     . ( Functor f
  229       , KnownNat (PixelChannels inPixel)
  230       , KnownNat (PixelChannels outPixel)
  231       , Storable inPixel
  232       , Storable outPixel
  233       , ToDepth (Proxy (PixelDepth inPixel))
  234       , Pixel inPixel
  235       , Pixel outPixel
  236       )
  237     => (     Mat2D 'D 'D ('S (PixelChannels inPixel))  ('S (PixelDepth inPixel))
  238        -> f (Mat2D 'D 'D ('S (PixelChannels outPixel)) ('S (PixelDepth outPixel)))
  239        )
  240     -> (     Image inPixel
  241        -> f (Image outPixel)
  242        )
  243 isoApply f = fmap toImage . f . fromImage