Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- data Mat (shape :: DS [DS Nat]) (channels :: DS Nat) (depth :: DS *)
- type family MatShape (a :: *) :: DS [DS Nat]
- type family MatChannels (a :: *) :: DS Nat
- type family MatDepth (a :: *) :: DS *
- class ToMat a where
- class FromMat a where
- typeCheckMat :: forall shape channels depth. (ToShapeDS (Proxy shape), ToChannelsDS (Proxy channels), ToDepthDS (Proxy depth)) => Mat shape channels depth -> [CoerceMatError]
- relaxMat :: (MayRelax shapeIn shapeOut, MayRelax channelsIn channelsOut, MayRelax depthIn depthOut) => Mat shapeIn channelsIn depthIn -> Mat shapeOut channelsOut depthOut
- coerceMat :: (ToShapeDS (Proxy shapeOut), ToChannelsDS (Proxy channelsOut), ToDepthDS (Proxy depthOut)) => Mat shapeIn channelsIn depthIn -> CvExcept (Mat shapeOut channelsOut depthOut)
- emptyMat :: Mat (S '[]) (S 1) (S Word8)
- mkMat :: (ToShape shape, ToChannels channels, ToDepth depth, ToScalar scalar) => shape -> channels -> depth -> scalar -> CvExcept (Mat (ShapeT shape) (ChannelsT channels) (DepthT depth))
- eyeMat :: (ToInt32 height, ToInt32 width, ToChannels channels, ToDepth depth) => height -> width -> channels -> depth -> Mat (ShapeT (height ::: (width ::: Z))) (ChannelsT channels) (DepthT depth)
- cloneMat :: Mat shape channels depth -> Mat shape channels depth
- matSubRect :: Mat (S [height, width]) channels depth -> Rect2i -> CvExcept (Mat (S [D, D]) channels depth)
- matCopyTo :: Mat (S [dstHeight, dstWidth]) channels depth -> V2 Int32 -> Mat (S [srcHeight, srcWidth]) channels depth -> Maybe (Mat (S [srcHeight, srcWidth]) (S 1) (S Word8)) -> CvExcept (Mat (S [dstHeight, dstWidth]) channels depth)
- matConvertTo :: forall shape channels srcDepth dstDepth. ToDepthDS (Proxy dstDepth) => Maybe Double -> Maybe Double -> Mat shape channels srcDepth -> CvExcept (Mat shape channels dstDepth)
- matFromFunc :: forall shape channels depth. (ToShape shape, ToChannels channels, ToDepth depth, Storable (StaticDepthT depth)) => shape -> channels -> depth -> ([Int] -> Int -> StaticDepthT depth) -> CvExcept (Mat (ShapeT shape) (ChannelsT channels) (DepthT depth))
- typeCheckMatM :: forall shape channels depth s. (ToShapeDS (Proxy shape), ToChannelsDS (Proxy channels), ToDepthDS (Proxy depth)) => Mut (Mat shape channels depth) s -> [CoerceMatError]
- relaxMatM :: (MayRelax shapeIn shapeOut, MayRelax channelsIn channelsOut, MayRelax depthIn depthOut) => Mut (Mat shapeIn channelsIn depthIn) s -> Mut (Mat shapeOut channelsOut depthOut) s
- coerceMatM :: (ToShapeDS (Proxy shapeOut), ToChannelsDS (Proxy channelsOut), ToDepthDS (Proxy depthOut)) => Mut (Mat shapeIn channelsIn depthIn) s -> CvExcept (Mut (Mat shapeOut channelsOut depthOut) s)
- freeze :: (FreezeThaw a, PrimMonad m) => Mutable a (PrimState m) -> m a
- thaw :: (FreezeThaw a, PrimMonad m) => a -> m (Mutable a (PrimState m))
- mkMatM :: (PrimMonad m, ToShape shape, ToChannels channels, ToDepth depth, ToScalar scalar) => shape -> channels -> depth -> scalar -> CvExceptT m (Mut (Mat (ShapeT shape) (ChannelsT channels) (DepthT depth)) (PrimState m))
- createMat :: (forall s. CvExceptT (ST s) (Mut (Mat shape channels depth) s)) -> CvExcept (Mat shape channels depth)
- withMatM :: (ToShape shape, ToChannels channels, ToDepth depth, ToScalar scalar) => shape -> channels -> depth -> scalar -> (forall s. Mut (Mat (ShapeT shape) (ChannelsT channels) (DepthT depth)) (PrimState (ST s)) -> CvExceptT (ST s) ()) -> CvExcept (Mat (ShapeT shape) (ChannelsT channels) (DepthT depth))
- cloneMatM :: PrimMonad m => Mat shape channels depth -> m (Mat shape channels depth)
- matCopyToM :: PrimMonad m => Mut (Mat (S [dstHeight, dstWidth]) channels depth) (PrimState m) -> V2 Int32 -> Mat (S [srcHeight, srcWidth]) channels depth -> Maybe (Mat (S [srcHeight, srcWidth]) (S 1) (S Word8)) -> CvExceptT m ()
- class All (p :: k -> Constraint) (xs :: [k])
- class PrivateIsStatic ds => IsStatic (ds :: DS a)
- foldMat :: forall (shape :: [DS Nat]) (channels :: Nat) (depth :: *) a. (Storable depth, Storable a, All IsStatic shape) => (a -> Vector depth -> a) -> a -> [Mat (S shape) (S channels) (S depth)] -> Maybe (Vector a)
- data MatInfo = MatInfo {}
- matInfo :: Mat shape channels depth -> MatInfo
- data Depth
- type family ShapeT (a :: ka) :: DS [DS Nat] where ...
- type ChannelsT a = DSNat a
- type family DepthT a :: DS * where ...
- class ToShape a where
- class ToShapeDS a where
- type ToChannels a = ToInt32 a
- toChannels :: ToInt32 a => a -> Int32
- type ToChannelsDS a = ToNatDS a
- toChannelsDS :: ToChannelsDS a => a -> DS Int32
- class ToDepth a where
- class ToDepthDS a where
data Mat (shape :: DS [DS Nat]) (channels :: DS Nat) (depth :: DS *) Source #
FreezeThaw (Mat shape channels depth) Source # | |
FromPtr (Mat shape channels depth) Source # | |
WithPtr (Mat shape channels depth) Source # | |
FromMat (Mat shape channels depth) Source # | |
ToMat (Mat shape channels depth) Source # | |
type Mutable (Mat shape channels depth) Source # | |
type MatDepth (Mat shape channels depth) Source # | |
type MatChannels (Mat shape channels depth) Source # | |
type MatShape (Mat shape channels depth) Source # | |
type family MatChannels (a :: *) :: DS Nat Source #
type MatChannels (M23 depth) Source # | |
type MatChannels (M33 depth) Source # | |
type MatChannels (Vec dim depth) Source # | |
type MatChannels (Matx m n depth) Source # | |
type MatChannels (Mat shape channels depth) Source # | |
Minimal complete definition
:: (ToShapeDS (Proxy shape), ToChannelsDS (Proxy channels), ToDepthDS (Proxy depth)) | |
=> Mat shape channels depth | The matrix to be checked. |
-> [CoerceMatError] | Error messages. |
Tests whether a Mat
is deserving of its type level attributes
Checks if the properties encoded in the type of a Mat
correspond to
the value level representation. For each property that does not hold
this function will produce an error message. If everything checks out
it will produce an empty list.
The following properties are checked:
- Dimensionality
- Size of each dimension
- Number of channels
- Depth (data type of elements)
If a property is explicitly encoded as statically unknown (D
it will not be checked.
:: (MayRelax shapeIn shapeOut, MayRelax channelsIn channelsOut, MayRelax depthIn depthOut) | |
=> Mat shapeIn channelsIn depthIn | Original |
-> Mat shapeOut channelsOut depthOut |
Relaxes the type level constraints
Only identical or looser constraints are allowed. For tighter
constraints use coerceMat
This allows you to 'forget' type level guarantees for zero
cost. Similar to unsafeCoerceMat
, but totally safe.
:: (ToInt32 height, ToInt32 width, ToChannels channels, ToDepth depth) | |
=> height | |
-> width | |
-> channels | |
-> depth | |
-> Mat (ShapeT (height ::: (width ::: Z))) (ChannelsT channels) (DepthT depth) |
Identity matrix
matSubRect :: Mat (S [height, width]) channels depth -> Rect2i -> CvExcept (Mat (S [D, D]) channels depth) Source #
Extract a sub region from a 2D-matrix (image)
matSubRectImg :: Mat ('S ['D, 'D]) ('S 3) ('S Word8) matSubRectImg = exceptError $ withMatM (h ::: 2 * w ::: Z) (Proxy :: Proxy 3) (Proxy :: Proxy Word8) white $ \imgM -> do matCopyToM imgM (V2 0 0) birds_512x341 Nothing matCopyToM imgM (V2 w 0) subImg Nothing lift $ rectangle imgM subRect blue 1 LineType_4 0 lift $ rectangle imgM (toRect $ HRect (V2 w 0) (V2 w h) :: Rect2i) blue 1 LineType_4 0 where subRect = toRect $ HRect (V2 96 131) (V2 90 60) subImg = exceptError $ resize (ResizeAbs $ toSize $ V2 w h) InterCubic =<< matSubRect birds_512x341 subRect [h, w] = miShape $ matInfo birds_512x341
:: ToDepthDS (Proxy dstDepth) | |
=> Maybe Double | Optional scale factor. |
-> Maybe Double | Optional delta added to the scaled values. |
-> Mat shape channels srcDepth | |
-> CvExcept (Mat shape channels dstDepth) |
Converts an array to another data type with optional scaling
:: (ToShape shape, ToChannels channels, ToDepth depth, Storable (StaticDepthT depth)) | |
=> shape | |
-> channels | |
-> depth | |
-> ([Int] -> Int -> StaticDepthT depth) | |
-> CvExcept (Mat (ShapeT shape) (ChannelsT channels) (DepthT depth)) |
Create a matrix whose elements are defined by a function.
matFromFuncImg :: forall size. (size ~ 300) => Mat (ShapeT [size, size]) ('S 4) ('S Word8) matFromFuncImg = exceptError $ matFromFunc (Proxy :: Proxy [size, size]) (Proxy :: Proxy 4) (Proxy :: Proxy Word8) example where example [y, x] 0 = 255 - normDist (V2 x y ^-^ bluePt ) example [y, x] 1 = 255 - normDist (V2 x y ^-^ greenPt) example [y, x] 2 = 255 - normDist (V2 x y ^-^ redPt ) example [y, x] 3 = normDist (V2 x y ^-^ alphaPt) example _pos _channel = error "impossible" normDist :: V2 Int -> Word8 normDist v = floor $ min 255 $ 255 * Linear.norm (fromIntegral <$> v) / s' bluePt = V2 0 0 greenPt = V2 s s redPt = V2 s 0 alphaPt = V2 0 s s = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy size) :: Int s' = fromIntegral s :: Double
Mutable Matrix
:: (ToShapeDS (Proxy shape), ToChannelsDS (Proxy channels), ToDepthDS (Proxy depth)) | |
=> Mut (Mat shape channels depth) s | The matrix to be checked. |
-> [CoerceMatError] | Error messages. |
:: (ToShape shape, ToChannels channels, ToDepth depth, ToScalar scalar) | |
=> shape | |
-> channels | |
-> depth | |
-> scalar | |
-> (forall s. Mut (Mat (ShapeT shape) (ChannelsT channels) (DepthT depth)) (PrimState (ST s)) -> CvExceptT (ST s) ()) | |
-> CvExcept (Mat (ShapeT shape) (ChannelsT channels) (DepthT depth)) |
class All (p :: k -> Constraint) (xs :: [k]) Source #
:: forall (shape :: [DS Nat]) (channels :: Nat) (depth :: *). (Storable depth, Storable a, All IsStatic shape) | |
=> (a -> Vector depth -> a) | |
-> a | |
-> [Mat (S shape) (S channels) (S depth)] | |
-> Maybe (Vector a) |
Transforms a given list of matrices of equal shape, channels, and depth, by folding the given function over all matrix elements at each position.
Meta information
class ToShape a where Source #
Minimal complete definition
ToShape Z Source # | empty |
ToShape [Int32] Source # | direct conversion to |
ToShape (Vector Int32) Source # | identity |
(ToInt32 (Proxy a1 a2), ToShape (Proxy [a1] as)) => ToShape (Proxy [a1] ((:) a1 a2 as)) Source # | fold over the type level list |
ToShape (Proxy [k] ([] k)) Source # | empty |
(ToInt32 a, ToShape as) => ToShape ((:::) a as) Source # | fold over |
type ToChannels a = ToInt32 a Source #
toChannels :: ToInt32 a => a -> Int32 Source #
type ToChannelsDS a = ToNatDS a Source #
toChannelsDS :: ToChannelsDS a => a -> DS Int32 Source #
class ToDepthDS a where Source #
Minimal complete definition
ToDepthDS Depth Source # | |
ToDepthDS (proxy (S * Double)) Source # | |
ToDepthDS (proxy (S * Float)) Source # | |
ToDepthDS (proxy (S * Int32)) Source # | |
ToDepthDS (proxy (S * Int16)) Source # | |
ToDepthDS (proxy (S * Word16)) Source # | |
ToDepthDS (proxy (S * Int8)) Source # | |
ToDepthDS (proxy (S * Word8)) Source # | |
ToDepthDS (proxy (D a)) Source # | |