Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Operations on arrays
- matScalarAdd :: ToScalar scalar => Mat shape channels depth -> scalar -> Mat shape channels depth
- matScalarMult :: Mat shape channels depth -> Double -> Mat shape channels depth
- matAbs :: Mat shape channels depth -> Mat shape channels depth
- matAbsDiff :: Mat shape channels depth -> Mat shape channels depth -> Mat shape channels depth
- matAdd :: Mat shape channels depth -> Mat shape channels depth -> Mat shape channels depth
- matSubtract :: Mat shape channels depth -> Mat shape channels depth -> Mat shape channels depth
- matAddWeighted :: forall shape channels srcDepth dstDepth. ToDepthDS (Proxy dstDepth) => Mat shape channels srcDepth -> Double -> Mat shape channels srcDepth -> Double -> Double -> CvExcept (Mat shape channels dstDepth)
- matScaleAdd :: Mat shape channels depth -> Double -> Mat shape channels depth -> CvExcept (Mat shape channels depth)
- matMax :: Mat shape channels depth -> Mat shape channels depth -> CvExcept (Mat shape channels depth)
- data CmpType
- matScalarCompare :: Mat shape channels depth -> Double -> CmpType -> CvExcept (Mat shape channels depth)
- bitwiseNot :: Mat shape channels depth -> CvExcept (Mat shape channels depth)
- bitwiseAnd :: Mat shape channels depth -> Mat shape channels depth -> CvExcept (Mat shape channels depth)
- bitwiseOr :: Mat shape channels depth -> Mat shape channels depth -> CvExcept (Mat shape channels depth)
- bitwiseXor :: Mat shape channels depth -> Mat shape channels depth -> CvExcept (Mat shape channels depth)
- matMerge :: Vector (Mat shape (S 1) depth) -> Mat shape D depth
- matSplit :: Mat shape channels depth -> Vector (Mat shape (S 1) depth)
- matChannelMapM :: Monad m => (Mat shape (S 1) depth -> m (Mat shape (S 1) depth)) -> Mat shape channelsOut depth -> m (Mat shape channelsOut depth)
- minMaxLoc :: Mat (S [height, width]) channels depth -> CvExcept (Double, Double, Point2i, Point2i)
- data NormType
- data NormAbsRel
- norm :: NormType -> Maybe (Mat shape (S 1) (S Word8)) -> Mat shape channels depth -> CvExcept Double
- normDiff :: NormAbsRel -> NormType -> Maybe (Mat shape (S 1) (S Word8)) -> Mat shape channels depth -> Mat shape channels depth -> CvExcept Double
- normalize :: forall shape channels srcDepth dstDepth. ToDepthDS (Proxy dstDepth) => Double -> Double -> NormType -> Maybe (Mat shape (S 1) (S Word8)) -> Mat shape channels srcDepth -> CvExcept (Mat shape channels dstDepth)
- matSum :: Mat shape channels depth -> CvExcept Scalar
- matSumM :: PrimMonad m => Mut (Mat shape channels depth) (PrimState m) -> CvExceptT m Scalar
- meanStdDev :: (1 <= channels, channels <= 4) => Mat shape (S channels) depth -> Maybe (Mat shape (S 1) (S Word8)) -> CvExcept (Scalar, Scalar)
- matFlip :: Mat (S '[height, width]) channels depth -> FlipDirection -> Mat (S '[height, width]) channels depth
- data FlipDirection
- matTranspose :: Mat (S '[height, width]) channels depth -> Mat (S '[width, height]) channels depth
- hconcat :: Vector (Mat (S '[rows, D]) channels depth) -> CvExcept (Mat (S '[rows, D]) channels depth)
- vconcat :: Vector (Mat (S '[D, cols]) channels depth) -> CvExcept (Mat (S '[D, cols]) channels depth)
- perspectiveTransform :: IsPoint2 point2 CDouble => Vector (point2 CDouble) -> Mat (S '[S 3, S 3]) (S 1) (S Double) -> Vector Point2d
Per element operations
The following functions work on the individual elements of matrices.
Examples are based on the following two images:
Calculates an absolute value of each matrix element.
Calculates the per-element absolute difference between two arrays.
matAbsDiffImg :: Mat (ShapeT [341, 512]) ('S 3) ('S Word8) matAbsDiffImg = matAbsDiff flower_512x341 sailboat_512x341
Calculates the per-element sum of two arrays.
matAddImg :: Mat (ShapeT [341, 512]) ('S 3) ('S Word8) matAddImg = matAdd flower_512x341 sailboat_512x341
Calculates the per-element difference between two arrays
matSubtractImg :: Mat (ShapeT [341, 512]) ('S 3) ('S Word8) matSubtractImg = matSubtract flower_512x341 sailboat_512x341
:: ToDepthDS (Proxy dstDepth) | |
=> Mat shape channels srcDepth | src1 |
-> Double | alpha |
-> Mat shape channels srcDepth | src2 |
-> Double | beta |
-> Double | gamma |
-> CvExcept (Mat shape channels dstDepth) |
Calculates the weighted sum of two arrays
matAddWeightedImg :: Mat (ShapeT [341, 512]) ('S 3) ('S Word8) matAddWeightedImg = exceptError $ matAddWeighted flower_512x341 0.5 sailboat_512x341 0.5 0.0
:: Mat shape channels depth | First input array. |
-> Double | Scale factor for the first array. |
-> Mat shape channels depth | Second input array. |
-> CvExcept (Mat shape channels depth) |
Calculates the sum of a scaled array and another array.
The function scaleAdd is one of the classical primitive linear algebra operations, known as DAXPY or SAXPY in BLAS. It calculates the sum of a scaled array and another array.
Comparison type
Bitwise operations
The examples for the bitwise operations make use of the following images:
type VennShape = [200, 320] vennCircleAImg :: Mat (ShapeT VennShape) ('S 1) ('S Word8) vennCircleAImg = exceptError $ withMatM (Proxy :: Proxy VennShape) (Proxy :: Proxy 1) (Proxy :: Proxy Word8) black $ \imgM -> lift $ vennCircleA imgM white (-1) vennCircleBImg :: Mat (ShapeT VennShape) ('S 1) ('S Word8) vennCircleBImg = exceptError $ withMatM (Proxy :: Proxy VennShape) (Proxy :: Proxy 1) (Proxy :: Proxy Word8) black $ \imgM -> lift $ vennCircleB imgM white (-1)
bitwiseNotImg :: Mat (ShapeT VennShape) ('S 3) ('S Word8) bitwiseNotImg = exceptError $ do img <- bitwiseNot vennCircleAImg imgBgr <- cvtColor gray bgr img createMat $ do imgM <- lift $ thaw imgBgr lift $ vennCircleA imgM blue 2 pure imgM
:: Mat shape channels depth | |
-> Mat shape channels depth | |
-> CvExcept (Mat shape channels depth) |
bitwiseAndImg :: Mat (ShapeT VennShape) ('S 3) ('S Word8) bitwiseAndImg = exceptError $ do img <- bitwiseAnd vennCircleAImg vennCircleBImg imgBgr <- cvtColor gray bgr img createMat $ do imgM <- lift $ thaw imgBgr lift $ vennCircleA imgM blue 2 lift $ vennCircleB imgM red 2 pure imgM
:: Mat shape channels depth | |
-> Mat shape channels depth | |
-> CvExcept (Mat shape channels depth) |
bitwiseOrImg :: Mat (ShapeT VennShape) ('S 3) ('S Word8) bitwiseOrImg = exceptError $ do img <- bitwiseOr vennCircleAImg vennCircleBImg imgBgr <- cvtColor gray bgr img createMat $ do imgM <- lift $ thaw imgBgr lift $ vennCircleA imgM blue 2 lift $ vennCircleB imgM red 2 pure imgM
:: Mat shape channels depth | |
-> Mat shape channels depth | |
-> CvExcept (Mat shape channels depth) |
bitwiseXorImg :: Mat (ShapeT VennShape) ('S 3) ('S Word8) bitwiseXorImg = exceptError $ do img <- bitwiseXor vennCircleAImg vennCircleBImg imgBgr <- cvtColor gray bgr img createMat $ do imgM <- lift $ thaw imgBgr lift $ vennCircleA imgM blue 2 lift $ vennCircleB imgM red 2 pure imgM
Channel operations
Creates one multichannel array out of several single-channel ones.
Divides a multi-channel array into several single-channel arrays.
matSplitImg :: forall (width :: Nat) (width3 :: Nat) (height :: Nat) (channels :: Nat) (depth :: *) . ( Mat (ShapeT [height, width]) ('S channels) ('S depth) ~ Kodak_512x341 , width3 ~ ((*) width 3) ) => Mat (ShapeT [height, width3]) ('S channels) ('S depth) matSplitImg = exceptError $ do zeroImg <- mkMat (Proxy :: Proxy [height, width]) (Proxy :: Proxy 1) (Proxy :: Proxy depth) black let blueImg = matMerge $ V.fromList [channelImgs V.! 0, zeroImg, zeroImg] greenImg = matMerge $ V.fromList [zeroImg, channelImgs V.! 1, zeroImg] redImg = matMerge $ V.fromList [zeroImg, zeroImg, channelImgs V.! 2] withMatM (Proxy :: Proxy [height, width3]) (Proxy :: Proxy channels) (Proxy :: Proxy depth) white $ \imgM -> do matCopyToM imgM (V2 (w*0) 0) (unsafeCoerceMat blueImg) Nothing matCopyToM imgM (V2 (w*1) 0) (unsafeCoerceMat greenImg) Nothing matCopyToM imgM (V2 (w*2) 0) (unsafeCoerceMat redImg) Nothing where channelImgs = matSplit birds_512x341 w :: Int32 w = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy width)
matChannelMapM :: Monad m => (Mat shape (S 1) depth -> m (Mat shape (S 1) depth)) -> Mat shape channelsOut depth -> m (Mat shape channelsOut depth) Source #
Apply the same 1 dimensional action to every channel
Finds the global minimum and maximum in an array
Normalization type
Norm_Inf | |
Norm_L1 | |
Norm_L2 | |
Norm_L2SQR | |
Norm_Hamming | |
Norm_Hamming2 | |
Norm_MinMax |
:: NormType | |
-> Maybe (Mat shape (S 1) (S Word8)) | Optional operation mask; it must have the same size as the input
array, depth |
-> Mat shape channels depth | Input array. |
-> CvExcept Double | Calculated norm. |
Calculates an absolute array norm
:: NormAbsRel | Absolute or relative norm. |
-> NormType | |
-> Maybe (Mat shape (S 1) (S Word8)) | Optional operation mask; it must have the same size as the input
array, depth |
-> Mat shape channels depth | First input array. |
-> Mat shape channels depth | Second input array of the same size and type as the first. |
-> CvExcept Double | Calculated norm. |
Calculates an absolute difference norm, or a relative difference norm
:: ToDepthDS (Proxy dstDepth) | |
=> Double | Norm value to normalize to or the lower range boundary in case of the range normalization. |
-> Double | Upper range boundary in case of the range normalization; it is not used for the norm normalization. |
-> NormType | |
-> Maybe (Mat shape (S 1) (S Word8)) | Optional operation mask. |
-> Mat shape channels srcDepth | Input array. |
-> CvExcept (Mat shape channels dstDepth) |
Normalizes the norm or value range of an array
:: Mat shape channels depth | Input array that must have from 1 to 4 channels. |
-> CvExcept Scalar |
Calculates the sum of array elements
matSumImg :: Mat (ShapeT [201, 201]) ('S 3) ('S Word8) matSumImg = exceptError $ withMatM (Proxy :: Proxy [201, 201]) (Proxy :: Proxy 3) (Proxy :: Proxy Word8) black $ \imgM -> do -- Draw a filled circle. Each pixel has a value of (255,255,255) lift $ circle imgM (pure radius :: V2 Int32) radius white (-1) LineType_8 0 -- Calculate the sum of all pixels. scalar <- matSumM imgM let V4 area _y _z _w = fromScalar scalar :: V4 Double -- Circle area = pi * radius * radius let approxPi = area / 255 / (radius * radius) lift $ putText imgM (T.pack $ show approxPi) (V2 40 110 :: V2 Int32) (Font FontHersheyDuplex NotSlanted 1) blue 1 LineType_AA False where radius :: forall a. Num a => a radius = 100
:: (1 <= channels, channels <= 4) | |
=> Mat shape (S channels) depth | |
-> Maybe (Mat shape (S 1) (S Word8)) | Optional operation mask. |
-> CvExcept (Scalar, Scalar) |
Calculates a mean and standard deviation of array elements
:: Mat (S '[height, width]) channels depth | |
-> FlipDirection | How to flip. |
-> Mat (S '[height, width]) channels depth |
Flips a 2D matrix around vertical, horizontal, or both axes.
The example scenarios of using the function are the following: Vertical flipping
of the image (FlipVertically
) to switch between top-left and bottom-left image
origin. This is a typical operation in video processing on Microsoft Windows*
OS. Horizontal flipping of the image with the subsequent horizontal shift and
absolute difference calculation to check for a vertical-axis symmetry
). Simultaneous horizontal and vertical flipping of the image
with the subsequent shift and absolute difference calculation to check for a
central symmetry (FlipBoth
). Reversing the order of point arrays
or FlipVertically
matFlipImg :: Mat (ShapeT [341, 512]) ('S 3) ('S Word8) matFlipImg = matFlip sailboat_512x341 FlipBoth
data FlipDirection Source #
FlipVertically | Flip around the x-axis. |
FlipHorizontally | Flip around the y-axis. |
FlipBoth | Flip around both x and y-axis. |
Transposes a matrix.
matTransposeImg :: Mat (ShapeT [512, 341]) ('S 3) ('S Word8) matTransposeImg = matTranspose sailboat_512x341
hconcat :: Vector (Mat (S '[rows, D]) channels depth) -> CvExcept (Mat (S '[rows, D]) channels depth) Source #
Applies horizontal concatenation to given matrices.
hconcatImg :: Mat ('S '[ 'D, 'D ]) ('S 3) ('S Word8) hconcatImg = exceptError $ hconcat $ V.fromList [ halfSize birds_768x512 , halfSize flower_768x512 , halfSize sailboat_768x512 ] where halfSize = exceptError . resize (ResizeRel 0.5) InterArea
vconcat :: Vector (Mat (S '[D, cols]) channels depth) -> CvExcept (Mat (S '[D, cols]) channels depth) Source #
Applies vertical concatenation to given matrices.
vconcatImg :: Mat ('S '[ 'D, 'D ]) ('S 3) ('S Word8) vconcatImg = exceptError $ vconcat $ V.fromList [ halfSize birds_768x512 , halfSize flower_768x512 , halfSize sailboat_768x512 ] where halfSize = exceptError . resize (ResizeRel 0.5) InterArea
perspectiveTransform :: IsPoint2 point2 CDouble => Vector (point2 CDouble) -> Mat (S '[S 3, S 3]) (S 1) (S Double) -> Vector Point2d Source #
Performs the perspective matrix transformation of vectors.
TODO: Modify this function for accept 3D points TODO: Generalize return type to V.Vector (point2 CDouble)